This chapter has been deleted.
TV · confused4you
you can have r-18 scene i all for it, but put warning before and after the scenne ^^ ........................................................
if you want to do this, you must make sev have a second lordship(ex:ravenclaw) but this is a good idea ^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This book has been deleted.
very good start !!! very good story !!! kep the good work ^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good update ^^ perhaps have him create new warlock path for his females in the future ? ...................................................................
good ^^ perhaps have him keep the girls ? ..................................................................................................................................................
very good ^^ ..........................................................................................................................................................
great start !!! great update rate !!! great potential !!! .............................................................................
good start ^^ perhaps add a yuri tag ? kepp the good work !! ...............................................................................................................................
this is a start donne well ^^ .............................................................................................................................
The Lord Of Magic (UNDER REWRITE)
Movies · GodOfHeroes