

male LV 4
2021-03-23 Joined Global
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2 hours ago
Replied to saed_saeed

To be fair.I don't think the killing bandit part would be interesting (and I don't consider it as the first real mission. That would be the girls first genin C rank mission). Like the only thing of interest would be the girls reaction to taking lives. But..... this is not Ren that has past live of civilian. These are girls, clan heirs. One is in the huyga that openly practice slavery and inbreeding. Hinata gets badly injured every time she has to spar with her sis. Almost everyone of her clan despises her or is afraid. I don't think Hinata would have some trauma problems from killing criminals that are strangers to her. On the ino side the yamanaka are specialized in the mind games. Seducing, infiltrating, acting, interogation, torture, etc. She also shouldn't have problems with killing some nobodies.....Now if it was Choji, shikamaru, sakura or Naruto doing the killing? THEN I would be interested to see their reactions to it. (The only reason I included shikamaru in that group is because even with his intellect he never took his shinobi career seriously until Asuma died and his clan jutsu gives him the option to defeat the enemy without the need of kill. So I assume that shika at this time in the story hasn't really paid any attention to the dark part of being a shinobi)

16 hours ago
Replied to Maitre_Gandalfr

Its one thing to teleport items and another living objects. Plus the whole difference between 3 feet and a whole battlefield. Although your question is fair. If I had to guess my theory is that he is using the same principle as his modified storage scrolls. Its just that in here he got rid of the storage space that acts as the rest point. Instead the travel doesn't stop until the item reaches the other end of the tunnel.

18 hours ago

I feel disturbance in the force.....Gonna predict that if the hueco war is successful "someone" will be promoted to a 5th seat. After all there were already 11 positions (captain, lieutenant and kido commanders) that had to be filled , heck in here it was mentioned that komamura had to switch from 1st division to 7th one so that he can become their captain. There is clearly some vacant seats in 1st. Now with the war there will be even more death and vacant seats. So its only natural for "someone" to get a promotion, no matter his personal opinion.

2 days ago
Replied to Brazert

Я согласен с вашими рассуждениями, но думаю, что риск того стоит. Айзену приходится поддерживать интерес Маюри, но взамен он получит поддержку капитана и гениального учёного.

2 days ago

Side Question. Will Seiya (or Aizen) attempt to recruit Mayuri? Because realistically he would be very useful to have, while being easy to accept the rebel plans. He was in the maggots nest so probably does have a beef with Central 46 and would be very interested if he learned that Urahara is in the enemy camp. In canon after Aizen got defeated the Visorded got their captain seats back, so its fair to speculate that the offer has also been extended to Urahara and Yoruichi. Seiya has the metaknowledge that Urahara refused the job, but Mayri doesnt know that, so he would have to deal with the fact that if Aizen lost then he could lose his captain position to Urahara.

2 days ago

Will he try to recruit Komamura? The guy may not approve of all the scheming, but I bet that he would be on board to rebel once he learns all the dirty secrets of Central 46 and Seireitei as a whole. Justice is a double edged sword after all. He is not a great noble like Kuchiki that follows laws because of tradition. Nor is he capable of restraint like Yamamoto and Retsu. He is someone who started at the slums and slowly crawled his way to the top while being discriminated for his species His justice is a lot more fair than the Central 46's justice.

That guy was still sticking close to Komamura Sajin.

Bleach: The Fifth Division Captain

Bleach: The Fifth Division Captain

Anime & Comics · michaeI

2 days ago

So what are the chances of jiraya being called to the village prematurely because of the news that Akatsuki tried to capture a kage jinchuriki? Also will Hisashi ever try to check with MC about the progress that he has made with Hinata? After all its been a whole year since he has been her teacher.

2 days ago
Replied to DaoistZpE06Z

And lets be honest. It would be funny to have rukia and isane being close to each other to make their apparent heights (for rukia being short and isane being tall) more distinct.

2 days ago
Replied to DaoistZpE06Z

For now only Nanak and isane have shown interest in Seiya. I don't think soi fon would ever see Seiya romantically, while Yachiru just wants to kill him in a fight. Hmm......I guess Nemu would be an option? But personaly I see her more of Seiya's little sister, rather than a love interest. So the only other option would be Rukia I guess? Could make drama out of that. A member (adopted) of the Kuchiki family trying to bring a popular captain (Seiya) on their side. Doesn't help that both the head of the family (Byakuya) and her big sis (hisana) would approve of her (rukia) pursuing Seiya.

3 days ago

My guess is Nanao doesn't want to intrude in the already established Seiya XIsane relationship. Which is a little bit weird given that Seireitei doesn't really have our modern view on romance. But hey, that's love for you. Always unpredictable.