At start it was 1999 dec 25 for this chap
The next couple hours was spent setting up the three computers in the spare bedroom. Peter's dad Richard had some experience with setting up networks. So he was able to hook all three computers up to a small switch. Once finished, Theo loaded the game code and software up to each computer.
Anime & Comics · Pewpewcachoo
yes please
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Movies · crinix
fourth grade of talent, level 3 acolyte
For fourth grade acolytes, if they wanted to advance from a level 2 acolyte to a level 3 acolyte, it often required at least 3 years of constructing the mind runes and reinforcing of the sea of consciousness.
Anime & Comics · Keetarp
It said 5 passed before him, what magic monsters must they have been
Matthew who was out of Magical Energy leaned exhausted against the Wall, as he heard the high and mighty voice of the shitty bronze eagle again, "Congratulations Challenger, for passing the final Trial of Ravenclaw. You Succeded where many have fallen before and became an Heir of Rowena Ravenclaw herself." Explained the Eagle, "Follow me back to the entrance hall.", said the Eagle as another blue swirling Portal appeared before Matthew.
Magus of the Wizarding World
Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee