
LV 4

just just

2018-05-07 Joined Global
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3 years ago

I honestly don't know how to feel about this one. There are a lot of good points but there are also some that is not. pros - MC is not weak and easily bullied - cute and sensible baby - loving and understanding grandparents - ml that always has your back cons - trash dad. - daughter always accomodates the dad and does not do anything even when he is clearly in the wrong. - I just felt like the ml comes to like the mc so suddenly. - I don't know if I miss it but just felt like there was no official announcement of their relationship? They automatically becomes couple because they like each other.

3 years ago

Everything's good except for the mc. She is weak and cries a lot. It's understandable when it happens at the start but it becomes unreasonable if it happens a lot. I hope the ml really had the guts to continue ignoring her to show her that she can't always have it her way. They'll apologize to each other every after argument but a sorry has no point if your bound to repeat the same mistake again 😅

3 years ago

This types of stories are what I like the most and im so glad I found this! I love stories where mc is reborn and gets a chance to treat the ml right because they deserve it. I love the ml. Not too overbearing and cold, and actually cares for the mc. Fluff scenes started early (which i like) and its not too cheesy and cringey. The mc is also very smart, independent and does not rely fully to ml. Also love the interaction of mc and son. They're so cute!!! Hopefully, I won't get dissapointed later on and actually finish reading this until the end 💖

3 years ago

I enjoyed the first few chapters but soon dropped it because i don't like the ml. The first time he was introduced was a major turn off. I also hated the fact that he was deceiving the mc at first for his own selfish reasons but still say that he's doing it for her own sake. I totally gave up after he asked mc to seduce his brother. Even if he was drunk that time he shouldn't have said that. I don't need a perfect ml but it just so happens that these are the few traits that I can't tolerate. I know that he will get better and soon love the mc wholeheartedly but first impression lasts. If you're patient and don't mind this things then you'll actually find this story enjoyable.