Yeah, but he has a point. Why would the government buy so many cores?
[Vitality Core]s and [Strength Core]s went for around a $1000, while [Focus] cores were almost double that price because of their demand
Games · Adui
I don't think the author realizes what 6 billion people would be like.
With the advent of monsters and heroes, many of the populations were condensed onto a few protected cities. Almost everything was close to each other, so the Awaken Center was not too far away
Games · Adui
Your soul and first born child.
Enough money for rent and food for a few months, and the remainder of my savings. I convinced myself to buy the F ranked skill book, [Fireball], for $20,000. After this, most of my inheritance money was now gone
Games · Adui
A billion people dying isn't enough to crash the economy. Unless the government did something stupid, it would just cause a recession then an economic boom due to the decrease in people.
I was looking for this comment, X.
Just the fact that I could cast an F ranked skill more than 500 times meant amazing things. As long as I am not braindead, I can easily clear an F and E ranked dungeons, even if I'm alone
Games · Adui
lol, little bird.
500 times I had cast an F ranked skill, and I didn't feel any exhaustion, what exactly was going on?
Games · Adui
Maybe he meant an empty lot?
This paragraph has been deleted.
Games · Adui
The sheer number of shirts they must go through would be staggering. Though at least everyone would be fabulous.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Games · Adui
I think the point of this paragraph was to illustrate how weak the fireball spell is, so it being ay of those would be completely counter to the point.
I was looking at a glistening book on the table, a [Skill Book], albeit a very low ranked one at that. [Fireball], an F ranked spell that only the most unfortunate beginners start with.
Games · Adui
Only 1 billion people died, not "most of humanity." The world population is 7.8 billion and has been 7 billion since the turn of the millieum.
One can slowly raise their rank by absorbing [Core]s, but unless you were in the army where they were provided for you by the government or in a rich household that could buy them in mass, you would rise very slowly
Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
Games · Adui