The first one makes me think of "petrichor".
The sky, predictably, was filled with a color that smelled like fresh rain over a garden. Many buildings were made of a color that felt like the first bite of a meal after a long, arduous fast. The wind, for indeed the wind had color, was like the first big gulp of chilled, refreshing lemonade after a hard day's work out in the sun. The grass was, oddly enough, like the smell of freshly cut grass. The pavement was like the first day of summer holiday after school.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
Considering his "crime" is the hypothetical murder of millions, do his Repentance points have any meaning?
"And if the civilians are hurt, you end up with another criminal offense," Gray said. "At that point, say goodbye to all the Repentence points you've gathered throughout the years."
Fantasy · Snoring_Panda
For him, a "dumb" gun might be just as good or better. But standard equipment lets him hand it off to a teammate without issues, I suppose.
Stanley didn't really care about that aspect of the gun. He was just going to be pointing and shooting anyway.
Fantasy · Snoring_Panda
Oh, you wanted an *accurate* census? They didn't train the enumerators nearly well enough for that. Also, with the house searches, that's a lot of time per house to do it right. How many citizens are there? How many enumerators? Did you give them even close to enough time to do a thorough job?
'That is considering those idiots didn't just let girls get away with telling them a random power they had without verifying it,' the mayor thought.
Fantasy · Snoring_Panda
Hopefully without the poison.
If that were the case, then the tiger he had just danced with also likely had a deep background, and chances were that he had just interfered in a courting process that had the secret approval of two heavy weight clans, and ruined some plans long set in motion. Of course, considering Lex's usual bad luck, he would also assume that Bagheera's background was especially controversial, resulting in a classic Romeo and Juliet situation.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
*spacial treasure
The next best option was to get the most massive spatial treasure possible. This was actually quite hard, as he already had some of the largest spatial treasures available, whether it was his bangle or the container for Silent Wanderer.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
Beware the legend of the myth of the rumor! 😛
Remarks: Legend speaks of a myth stating that there was once a rumor that the mighty Innkeeper wields the Butter Knife of Destiny. Do not verify if that legend is true - you may not survive the encounter.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
I mean, eye/gaze attacks/skills are hardly exclusive to anime, but I suppose popularity skews representation.
Lex did not even need his spirit sense. His left eye had mutated a long time ago, allowing him to peek at things related to laws, but that left his right eye as normal. Recalling how cool it felt using Evisceration with his eyes, Lex underwent the journey to find cool and powerful techniques based on his eyes. He was not, in any way, inspired from any anime he had seen, as that would be unoriginal and plagiaristic, which he was not.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
Three, you say. Hmm...
The temple was called the Temple of Fasting, and predated the arrival of the Henali in the Origin realm by billions of years. The purpose of the temple was unknown, but the person who spread the rumor claimed that the temple belonged to one of the three original deities of the Origin realm.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
He wanted to be able to honestly say he was already dating someone. 🤪 Which can be used as a social defense, but unreliability, because for some that will make them try harder, to "steal" him).
The second revelation he had was that the reason why he was showing such a sudden interest in wanting to date someone was because…
The Innkeeper
Fantasy · lifesketcher