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2021-11-20 Joined Global
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10 hours ago

Blame it on the statute of secrecy.

According to olivander wizards long ago who were on average much more powerful than modern wizards all failed to even approach the bird and yet it wasn't an adult despite such power. "Don't misunderstand me boy I am not talking about physical maturity here as it was an adult in this regard." Newt said after seeing Nicks expression. At this point Nick was just confused 'how can you be fully mature and yet not an adult?' he wondered only giving himself a headache. "To better explain I suppose I should explain why despite being technically immortal phoenix's are so very rare." Newt said getting Nicks attention again.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

16 hours ago
Replied to Thirdus

Except for werewolves. That curse apparently can only be taken away or controlled by highly OP Genius MC's for whatever reason.

The old elf was probably being honest when he said that Nick was neglecting his craftmanship in favor of magic but Nick couldn't really be blamed as magic was so useful for literally everything. It was also in most cases way easier as it didn't require copious amounts of personal knowledge to work. Still the fact remained that unlike Dumbledore the old elf hadn't violated his privacy or safety with his actions.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to noCode_Lad



"It's not that they don't want to kill him but rather that they can't since even with all these restriction he is still powerful enough to kill all of us easily." he explained seriously. "It is only due to a deal that Grindelwald has with Dumbledore that the man even sits here quietly without any trouble." The leader says darkly. "Then why are we needed?" the other auror asked angrily. "We are not here to make sure that Grindelwald doesn't escape , but to warn the rest of the world if he does." the leader says sternly and the entire squad has dark expressions hearing it but doesn't argue.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to Lord_of_Shadows



The giant spiders on the other hand were dark and evil creatures that couldn't stand the presence of something like a unicorn. It was for this reason that Nick relaxed when the unicorn made itself known. That's right the unicorn willingly showed it's self as Nick would have never known it was there otherwise. Nick bowed to the unicorn respectfully but not submissively and the creature returned the bow like one ruler greeting another. "If it's not too much trouble could you point me in the direction of the nearest member of that spider colony?" Nick asked politely.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to Yuri7

You can't do that everyday tho.

Some of these rituals seemed useful but tedious in Nick's opinion such as the one that needed one to sit under the full moon for the entire night every month to maintain an internal clock. A useful thing to have but otherwise a tedious process to carry out. Nick read through all the rituals for this type given before directly moving onto the next section of the book that was about finite rituals. These as it turned out were basically just temporary buffs that were obtain via a series of actions. Things that would get you funny looks from those not in the know like dancing with a rabbits foot in the morning for a boost of luck throughout the day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to Yok_Sana


The caretaker of the orphanage was a kindly woman with medium length brown hair and tan skin that was about five six in height and slightly on the heavier side , not fat but plump. She was waiting at the entrance of the orphanage for Nick and the other kids to arrive. "Welcome back everyone , I expect you all to do your homework and show it to me before the end of the day." she said seriously while giving a few kids in particular a stern look that they sheepishly avoided.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to xAr4m1s

Boy has a fucking mesh pack under his six pack

By the time he actually got to that point the two Slytherin girls were waiting there already. "Do you wake up in the morning , stretch and then decide to do stuff that defies common sense or does it just come naturally?" Tracy asked jokingly. Nick chuckled as he dried off still in the wet suit putting his lithe figure on display. He wasn't ripped or anything like that but he did have enough muscle definition that it was clear he was no slouch when you could actually see his body.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago
Replied to Knight7863

Diving into that firussy like:


"Not to worry mate , we'll be able to remedy that tomorrow since we just need to go pick it up from the three broomsticks." One of the twins said with a grin. Nick smiled happily "Great! I've been sorely missing the feel of a hot furnace while I work my craft." he said brightly. "It shows mate , who honestly chooses to sit next to a fire in a hot shack like that? While drinking hot tea no less! Starting to think you are part dragon or something." Ron said jokingly. "Did he actually do that?" Seamus asked surprised. -

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 days ago

Why does nobody tell him that his cakes are too hard for human teeth?

Hagrid looked confused when this happened and checked the cake to see what was wrong with it but couldn't figure it out. Harry and the girls were glad that they followed Nicks lead after seeing this event take place. Nick meanwhile was acting like he didn't have any idea that the cakes Hagrid made definitely weren't safe for human consumption all while sipping on his tea. The tea was pretty good unlike the cakes which made sense as Hagrid grew the plants himself and had cross bred it over time with the help of professor sprout into what it was now.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

2 days ago
Replied to Tottaspy


Nick briefly sensed the magic near Neville and frowned as he felt the blatant rejection the wand in his hand was showing the boy. He cut off his magical sense and approached Neville seriously "Is that a legacy wand?" he asked sternly. "Y-yes it was my da's" Neville stuttered out nervously and Nick sighed. "The wand is sabotaging you , both your pronunciation and wand movements are correct but the wand is refusing to allow your magic to flow through it so you are struggling when you would have been successful already. I suggest getting a wand of your own as soon as possible." Nick said sincerely before walking over to Ron who was also struggling.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro