Bro seriously having a 4th wall crisis.....
The fear that the woman he might one day surrender his heart to would be exposed as just another phantom birthed by an author's imagination, that the love they shared would be rendered meaningless by the very unreality of their was enough to make him recoil from the notion of romance entirely.
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy
Yes, it really is.
To the hypothetical observer peering down at Bryan's existence from an omniscient vantage point, his self-imposed isolation might seem baffling, even illogical. After all, if Bryan were to reveal Dumbledore about his origins that he came from a different world, it likely wouldn't change much.
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy
Gossip mongers all of them.
As Dumbledore spoke, Fawkes, his feathers gleaming in the candlelight, stirred awake on his perch and let out a soft, chirruping cry. At the sound, the figures in the portraits on the office walls perked up, their expressions transforming from drowsy to alert and keenly interested. Even the sleeping portrait of the stubborn Phineas Nigellus Black cracked open an eye, not wanting to miss out on such a fascinating conversation.
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy
Cliodna supremacy.
Without waiting for Bryan to speak, Dumbledore immediately put on a surprised look and answered his own question, "Oh! Could it be... Professor Moody? Truthfully, that's not a bad choice either, Bryan. I think you needn't..."
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy
Don't look at him like that now Hermione, you just kidnapped Ron.
"Alright, I'm willing," Harry finally said, his words causing Hermione's gaze to snap towards him, and her eyes were filled with a mixture of surprise and displeasure.
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy
Ainz... your karma is -500 and you want a piece of flame that it's main purpose punish sinners ..
Devas was weaker than my player body, not physically, but his mana reserves were much smaller. I was a mage, after all, but the Shadowflame was intriguing. I'd need to see if I could trade something for a spark of it when Devas eventually came to my world…
Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
"Oh nooo... did the big, scary 'first and greatest' vampire get a boo-boo? Aww, want me to kiss it better? Maybe grab you a juice box? Tuck you in...? And honour? Really? Oh, sweetheart, you must be new here. I don't do 'honour.' I do carnage, I do bloodbaths, and I do it with a fucking smile!" His voice growled like that of a beast, a flash of an upside down cross appearing behind him.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
Whenever he shows up , he stoles the show.
"OOOKAY Mr.Rapey mc-ass-fucker! Like Lucifer, I dislike my name being besmirched! I AM A FUCK-MOTHERING VAMPIRE, THE FIRST ONE TO EVER EXIST!" He turned back to me for a few moments. "This won't count as a favour, I hate this fuck already."
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
Aw come on man ... Artoria is here now, it's just a bad timed kiss with Susan not enough for a relationship. Just hug and pamper Artoria with all the food in the world . She is the best choice. Every version of her is the best choice.
"I swear to be your Servant until you no longer need me, or want me... I swear this by the title of the King of the Dying Light and by my own name... Artoria Pendragon." Immense power flooded out from Artoria as our connection was amplified, another set of command spells appearing on my left hand, this time represented by swirling patterns, hundreds o r thousands of them.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
Still curious about that woman ..
Many years ago, when he first laid eyes on this boy, he noticed that this boy had emotional control ability far beyond his peers. Over the years, the most out-of-control emotions he had seen in Bryan were perhaps on that night in Bryan's fifth year.
Harry Potter: The Golden Viper
Book&Literature · FicFrenzy