Webnovel Author: Guardian1 - Fanfic&Novel Collection



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2018-04-19 Joined United States

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Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero

Replied to Iron_Man_3000

MC never said he hated cults and he had in the past run a cult for profit he just never believed his message. He hates people like Dumbledore and Charles Xavier because they believe that they are right and use mental gymnastics to justify themselves.

Luka now properly motivated began to work in earnest with Thoris to improve the terraforming technology. Looks like I was able to put my old cult leader skills to use. I could have just ordered her to do so but then she would be acting to the letter of the command not honoring the spirit in which it was given. With her properly motivated she would do her utmost to not only achieve the goal but surpass it. Thoris didn't need the motivation she was already deeply invested in the project.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to kiddeath1998

Solar power set from the game destiny but I expanded a bit as the game claimed that the warlock class could manipulate the light in various ways.

I felt a warmth rush over me as flames began to pour out me. The two bat freaks initially panicked but soon calm down as they realized that they weren't physically harmed by the fire. Surprisingly nothing seemed to be devastated as if they weren't truly there.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to Karma356

There are various candidates I'm currently considering including the MC because who wouldn't want the power but I have yet to decide that as of now

Never would I have imagined that while Black Adam wanted to be the Emperor of mankind that he would willingly choose to serve. I understand why he chose to serve Superman in the injustice series was that he was possibly weaker and Superman became ruthless. This reality I was uncertain as he doesn't know who the Emperor of mankind might be, yet he was willing to bend the knee. We continued our talk about our future goals going forward.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to TheMainPlagiaris

they weren't really gods just powerful beings made by someone similar to the Emperor but most myths were inspired by the Emperor

No one commented on their dense behavior of these two muscle heads. Thankfully the trip back to earth was mostly uneventful I was on edge during the flight. They asked a lot of questions about my life back in the Imperium. Aquaman seemed to like the idea of a harem and wondered if he could somehow convince his wife of the benefits. Wonder Woman was concerned when I mentioned that the Emperor of mankind killed the Zeus of my universe. Eventually she decided that he was just a faker pretending to be Zeus which was why he was killed. I made no comment regarding her belief in Zeus as I didn't care but I knew that this would eventually reach Zeus's ears.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

that's never going to happen Waller doesn't control Lex Corp and works with him so there is definitely plenty of options. It makes no sense to ceede control over to Waller especially when he knows he can't trust her.

Ivy was still keeping her distance for the most part regarding the terraforming technology. I knew that this wouldn't last forever though and I was looking into a solution. So far it seemed like my best option would be Amanda Waller but when it comes to her nothing is for free. She would likely try to force her way into Black Technology as her price. Currently I have Fury keeping her claws out of my company but I would need her help clearing Ivy's criminal history. So I would either give her what she wants or find a alternative.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

most of the powers and prizes weren't bought directly but instead awarded from the system itself. there are few instances where he bothered to actually do it himself.

"Ladies please focus we have about a thousand teens to rescue from this shit hole and we need to make certain that there aren't any extra then those I am aware of"

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

Replied to Bloodawn

yeah it is mentioned in comics sometimes in the shows but it usually forgotten

This caused Hawkgirl to tense up thinking that she might have been discovered. Fortunately for her so did almost everyone else in the room so her actions went unnoticed. For now she needed to confirm the situation before taking action. She especially needed to report the threat that Julian Black posed to the Thanagarian invasion plans.

New life with a sci-fi system

New life with a sci-fi system

Others · Guardian1

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