Lee Guang is shocked...
Lee Guang is shocked. He is not expected to get that answer. He probably thought Li Zian will answer, "If I have power, I will kill all those sluts and bitches." Lee Guang stands still and Li Zian did not wait for him and walks away.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
Lee Guang good job!
"Yeah! Who knows that The Hand will hide and cultivate beside our room. Ha...Ha...Ha," Ling Min Zhe shakes his head while laughing.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
Li Zian stays in the pagoda for a week. Once she gets out, she is greeted with a big hug from Ling Min Zhe, "Min Zhe, what is wrong?" Li Zian is puzzled by Ling Min Zhe's sudden action.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
Ling Min Zhe be like:
"That is why I told you to use the Gate to travel but you insist on traveling in a carriage to see the scenery. In these two months, we are constantly traveling with a lack of rest. How could your body stands the vibration of the carriage and properly rest? Do not say you are trained. I also train and have higher cultivation than you but I still feel exhausted." Then, please imagine the concern and the possibility of other nagging come from Ling Min Zhe.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
I like the concept of the story. This story is a bit more like detective novel. Well, the FL is running around solving cases.[img=recommend]
What is coming out?
It is easy for you to say! I am the one that loses my children! MY CHILDREN! You do not understand anything!" Dong Daiyu shouted at Li Zian, "Slap" Li Zian slaps Dong Daiyu, "It is alright to kill other people's children?" Li Zian feels a rage inside her heart. Something is trying to get out.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
Sleepy Ling Min Zhe
"I just want a night of sleep." Ling Min Zhe snore can be heard in the room. He truly is tired.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
Oh no!
Near an alley, a drunk man walk out from a restaurant. Suddenly, a hand is place on his mouth and he is dragged into the darkness. The one that holds him is very strong. The drunk man struggle to set himself free. The drunk man inhale something fragrant and passed out. The drunk man is being put into a wooden barrel and he being rolled deeper into the alley. The killer roll the barrel until it reaches his house. It only a small house with two rooms but it is fully furnished and it is warm and cozy. There are no sign that this house is where all the killing happen.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing
mikayla feels his vision is brighter. He seems to see colour, a lot of it.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · Haruyuki1
Probably something like this...
The man finally snapped from shock and raise both of his arms and a shield appear from his bracers. He manages to counter Ling Min Zhe's attacks but forgot about Li Zian's arrow. That arrow arrives at the same time as Ling Min Zhe's sword. The arrow passes through the shield. The man can imagine his heart is destroyed like the plants. As the arrow reaches the man and the energy from the arrow burns his cloth, suddenly he is standing beside an old man. Li Zian's arrow shoots a small black seed.
Fantasy · Tsu_YouMing