lol, another MTL I guess
They were just two words: "Trash!"
Urban · Riverside Fisher
this is spirit factory, for producing accessories/ tools. the 5 type is for creating a spirit summon which can level up like Alfred.
5 x White Dust Centipedes.
Fantasy · I_Cook_Limitlessly
of all the new recruits she is one of the few handful who has completed one stage towards becoming apprentice. if she's a baggage then he can't get anyone else worthy on the ship
Moreover, Ali had also become an apprentice. Why would teaming up with Ali, someone he knew well and trusted, not be better than teaming up with these nobles?
Eastern · Gaining Knowledge Through Exploration
practice what you preach
The reply was monotonous, but Ken felt as if he could feel some remorse behind it.
Sports · leeroycgna
great success -> perfect
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Eastern · Lost Leaf
great success -> perfect
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Eastern · Lost Leaf
nah too early for our mc. he will probably come back next worldcup to lift it.
Though the others hesitated to ask, Hiro was quick to answer, "Yes, sir. I'm willing to put everything on the line to fulfill that dream of lifting the cup."
Sports · Bloom07
if it only takes an instant to store why wait for later than do it next instant?
"When I have time, I'll input the remaining four million characters of 'The Selected Scriptures and Meanings' into the server!" Li Shiming said to himself with joy, but after sensing the power in the uninterruptible supply, he smacked his forehead with a light slap.
Eastern · Sunflower seeds eating crowd
can you point out something where the mc has to type out stuff in their brain(/ system) manually. just curious.
This time, almost instantaneously, a vast amount of text appeared on the document—all the "Selected Scriptures and Meanings" he had memorized, nearly two million characters in content.
Eastern · Sunflower seeds eating crowd
lol. that's a shock
At 36 years old, women who married early are nearly grandmothers.
My Medical Skills Give Me Experience Points
Urban · Riverside Fisher