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2018-03-18 Joined Global

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Replied to Harem_fan

Well I am going to start reading it, if it’s no harem and no devil peerage. DxD has an amazing world to work with, but usually it gets over shadowed by harem’s, or focuses too much on the devils (like in canon). I have no problem with a harem story, but usually it trains the story. The author would not have time to flesh out the characters in the harem, and the characters that are not part of the harem almost never get character development. As for why I am not a big fan of devil peerage fanfic, is that people almost always shy away from the darker side of devils. They are not human, and should not be treated with human standards. To them power is everything, and those in power make it hard for others to reach their level. And peerages are just a collection of slaves. There would have been much better systems to implement the evil piece system if they just wanted to increase the population. And it would have been done in a way that best supports the devil society. Allow high class devils to own a peerage is another privilege for them, yet people don’t treat it with the gravity it is due. If I was a human with a sacred gear or another skill a devil would want and they offered me to turn me into a devil, and I wanted to, I would write a lengthy contract, detailing what I my duties as, what my restrictions are, and what are the things that I am not willing to do. Then I would ask for the price of my service. Since I will be agreeing to be a slave. Of course the price would not be needed if the devil gives me more concessions in the contract. Sadly most fanfic treat a devil’s peerage as a *** slave harem.


I just started reading, and I recommend changing it from a master’s degree to a bachelor degree. It would make more sense. Or you can remove the jumping grades part. But that’s just a recommendation.

Replied to Sin_O_Sloth

From what I understand this person, didn’t realise this was a cultivation story. And they hate them. Granted TODAG is a dead give away, thought proper acronym is TDG, but if you aren’t into cultivation novels you wouldn’t know. To be fair I know where they are coming from, apart from maybe 2 or 3 decent cultivation stories I have read, the rest are shit. It’s a repeating loop and the culture is just unrealistic. The way sects/clans behave in a world where a random wander can kill them all is super stupid.

Replied to reaperhd_18


This book has been deleted.

Honestly this chapter was super disappointing. And I mean super disappointing. If he wants to have a one night stand then sure go for it. But it should not include things like saying you love each other. Plus the comment about pure blood seemed forced and just trying to point out that the woman was pure blood for no reason. I highly recommend editing the chapter. Change it portray the woman as being demanding. She wants to have *** and thus is aggressive about what she wants (not necessarily aggressive in having ***). Just non of that love crap since they don’t even know each other’s names. Also you should write something in the main story that hints at what happens. So if someone doesn’t want to read this chapter they know what happened. That is unless she wiped his memories. BTW one of the selling points of your story is that it’s not just a power wank where the MC gets shit out of nowhere. I can understand goblin scrip being dwarven script, sure it’s a bit forced but it works. And I can understand a Pure Blood lady finding someone attractive so she mounts him. But people don’t write it as if they are in a relationship it should be more primal and passion driven instead of intimate love making between 2 people who love each other. Honestly since the gotcha was added to the story it’s been dropping in quality. At first it was progressing a pt a decent pace but then it’s one big event after another and it feels somewhat forced. I can understand if you just want to rush with setting things up, but I highly recommend slowing down.

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