Honestly, I do have some LI in mind but it's going to be pretty far in the future. For now, there's no romance.
Oops, my bad I'll fix that. Thanks!
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Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor
Hello, first thank you for reading! I love reading these types of comments! But to answer your answer, I love your idea but I sadly probably will not be using any DC powerup for Albert himself. I want to use Pulp Cthulhu's progression system for him, there a lot of very cool ideas jam packed in that book. And frankly, I love the spells and I frequently go back to Call of Cthulhu's Grimoire just to read some of the effects because of how awesome they are. The reason why I'm not using any DC powerups is because alot of them will kinda make the Pulp Cthulhu system irrelevant. I could easily see an entire novel-length fanfiction about someone using and mastering the Black Lantern Ring. It would be interesting to see a character resist the pull of Nekron while also keeping their values in tact. Or maybe they would go full villain and the story is about fighting the Justice League. Both of those sound pretty good stories, I just like mystery and horror. I hope this answers your questions, thank you again for reading!
Nope, they use Ki. For humans it's the regular kind. While for Yokai, it's called Youki. So yes, cultivation shenanigans are afoot.
She felt upon that near infinite storm of power just beneath her feet, the Earth groaned, surged and congealed into something almost tangible. Strands of Ki broke through the surface, wrapping themselves tightly around the blonde kitsune. It was like she had stuck her finger in an electrical socket, causing all of those golden locks to stand on in.
Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor
I do know of the Ace of Winchester from another pretty famous dc fanfic, but no I don't plan on Albert using it. It's a rifle and having to learn a whole new weapon skill just to use it efficiently when he's already pretty darn deadly with a handgun, kinda just goes against his 'build'. Now, there are spells and artifacts that he'll be able to make that can achieve something similar. Honestly man, I'm just as excited as everyone else is for Volume 3. I gotta alot of plans for then.
The wiki doesn't say, the only thing it says it's that it was some guy that's no longer in the picture. I'm keep it the same here.
Kunou slumped in defeat, knowing full well she would have to spend more time with the weirdo for a bit longer. It wasn't all bad, nothing was lost by just treating the Senjutsu Master with respect.
Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor
It wouldn't make much sense, the two never had anything more than a master/disciple relationship.
I respect most of what you said, it is your own opinion after all. But what I refuse to take is the idea that ANY of this is AI, that is an insult no author would ever take lying down. It is an affront against the time and effort I put into every single story I write now or in the future. That is all I will say, have a good day.
He has that Resourceful Talent and also that basic fortuna technique, but it does come back due to him choosing the Pulp Cthulhu system. And yes, the lower his LCK the more likely unlucky things will happen to him. I'll leave what happens when his LCK hits 0 to your imagination.
It's going to be a canon character, someone not introduced yet and probably won't be introduced until later down the line.
This DCverse is Maddening
Anime & Comics · EldritchFictor