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Anime & Comics · Jer0086
Read Kouske Write Kosuke
"Then I will call you Clarice. you can also just call me Kouske. I need to get used to that name"
Anime & Comics · Sol_Pendragon
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Anime & Comics · ZRUSQA
"Understood, the return of the Loki Familia from the expedition, your strength will definitely be exposed. Although the God Council has just ended, those guys will definitely not be able to sit still if such a big event comes. If possible, maybe this time it will be particularly magical. It will be able to determine the titles of you and Shinobi."
Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker
I am sacred. I looked around when I saw a red-haired Young man standing in front of the door and looking at me.
Anime & Comics · Slime_king
Thanks for the chapter.
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Couldn't he save his *heroine*?
She knew not all boys were that brave, but Hachiman was the protagonist. Couldn't he save his hero? He couldn't, and that disappointed her.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
*mana* pool
The Black ring of Debuffs: One of the world items. The ring give debuffs to the person targeted by the wearer that automaticly match the opponent's abilities. For example if the opponnent is a speed type warrior, it give him a debuff that rapidly exhaust his muscles or a slowing debuffs. If the opponent is a mage then the ring give a debuff that slows the magical skill chanting/casting speed or lowring his lana pool ect...
Anime & Comics · Nouflex
Chapter 81
Passives: Mana Cost Reductor, Jigenkan (3 Tomoes), Omnilingual
Reality Bender System, Marvel
Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds