[Author's Note: I think I forgot to write that Leonel recovered to the Sixth Dimension after absorbing the cobra demon, so just assume that happened. Forgive me]
Fantasy · Awespec
Shadowspawn do like them mysteries after all...
Sunny felt strangely excited. The feeling of discovering something incredible, something that no one except for him had ever seen, filled him with a deep sense of wonder and satisfaction. He had never known that there was such a side to him, one full of an explorer's passion.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · Legion20
Rushing all the main quests after finishing all the side ones be like...
"Yes. We got the Companions, the College, the Thieves Guild, and the Dark Brotherhood at our beck and call. We can do much now but this is still way too much." Jon said and then smiled, "It is like everything, everywhere, all at once."
Video Games · El_Don
From the top of Tezka's head, Filia and Frey cheered at him.
Fantasy · Legion20
I did my best in the comments for the memes!! It was my time to shine!!!! (oh and joy Xmas btw)
As the Silence turned, he could see a black cat standing on that post and blocking his escape path. Her glare was menacing and her eyes were freezing cold as she stood on her four limbs with her legs on the post ready to bounce. (another Naruto ref)
Video Games · El_Don
"And how are you not breathing or blinking or anything? I know vampires develop some mortal folk habits but you look so strict, man. You're really strict. One does not simply be this strict." (LoTR meme)
Video Games · El_Don
Congratulation Don Padre !
A/n: I have been offline for the past few days because of a situation. I've posted an update about it on Patreon and Discord so to sum it up, my wife and I are expecting a child. I'm no longer just Don, I'm Don Padre. 😂😂😂
Dragonborn Saga
Video Games · El_Don