just go to scribble its the site with the cleanest GUI
This wasn't here yesterday, does anyone know what is going on?
Anime & Comics · Abadom
Oof why would you reincarnate the mc as a demon lord son and then make the family just throw I'm away even though they like him. Just make I'm a orphan . They didn't train him , didnt tell him anything , didn't make him have tutors.Bro why make him a son of a demon lord if he didn't get any advantage of that . I really hate the plot when the author just throws the mc around
sincerely i would get bored if the MC didnt had any """"weakness"""" . Its kinda makes him more funny character
We keep on walking and instead of scaring us, they started to act shy toward me and apologies.
Anime & Comics · Ayries_Jesea
this reminds me of Until Death
this is a tale as old as time. Well do you know this story.A old rich man and a young gorgeous woman go up to a restaurante and the bartender finds weird that the man and woman threat each other like lovers , because no gorgeous woman would date a grandpa.So when the woman leaves to the bathroom the bartender goes to the old man and asks " do you not see that she doesnt love you , she is just for the money" , to which the old man responds "when you go to a restaurant and buy a steak do you ask the steak if he loves you , no you just eat it". The story is something like that , not complete but i dont remember the rest XD.And i dont know why i wrote this XD
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Fantasy · Kepalozoid
"I will put the fear of me into you!"
Anime & Comics · Maerry
you have eyes but you fail to recognize Mt. Tai
Anime & Comics · Maerry
Clearly aware of Nagato's inner conflict, Yuna's smile widened as she continued speaking.
Anime & Comics · Maerry
'Hestia liked receiving head pats…'
Anime & Comics · Abadom
thank god i finished college last week
After I just finished writing a long essay about my childhood, three critique towards three people, and two reviews on movies I got another more four more essay and two videos to make😭.
Exploring the World of To Love Ru
Anime & Comics · Ayries_Jesea