Yeah. The Isekai MC is that Jorah. Like that old home charity show, "Your old self was the one of the biggest simps in planetos, but behind that curtain is a big surprise, take it down so we can see the most based man in the world!"
"Told mama no woman would stop Jorah the Builder." she spoke with her mouth full of my food.
Book&Literature · JManM
If I could find any, I wouldn't need to write them.
What you are describing is a narrative tool called Villain in Repose. It's when you get to see the bad guy when not at work opposing the hero. What seems to be confusing you is the expectation that Aegon is on a Hero's Journey, but this isn't a Hero with a Thousand Faces story. None of my stories are. As for the idea of Aegon 'growing up', go somewhere else for that crap. Aegon's been through childhood and adolescence three times now. He's not going to 'grow up' no matter how many times he does so. He's grown.
Your eyes have yet to open
Yuda best homie
This was my life back as a teenager, but I adapted and overcummed.
"You do this now, for interrupted fornication?" my father looked at me slack jawed.
Book&Literature · JManM
In the previous chapter Aegon explained why at length.
I exist in a weird bubble where every time someone has something bad to say about my writing they just end up exposing themselves as basic, ignorant, or spoiled. That's why I stopped asking for feedback years ago and try to catch myself whenever I slip up and start craving interaction with the readers. It's usually sparked off by someone doing a review in which they reveal some insight into narrative or reveal that their honest feelings match perfectly with what I was trying to invoke. Happened just recently, and while it inspires me to write on, I know I can't rely on it and need to only write for myself. Stay self centered, always.
In a comment aimed at fixing something you find boring, you come up with the most cliche and boring recommendation possible. Check yourself, homie, because those fingers are all pointing back at you.
Heleana has had no prior screentime.
-Heleana Targaryen-
Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear
Book&Literature · JManM