

male LV 14

Father, Entrepreneur, Writer, Dreamer. Check out the Website for Picture, Timeline, Maps, etc www.avans.xyz chat me in discord: https://discord.gg/gjDSkjp Follow Instagram @avans7777

2017-10-06 Joined Global
Original works
Badges 42

Moments 3420
4 days ago
Replied to Emanuel_O_Arthur

thank you for your purchase, is this your first time buying privilege chapters? for the 15 chapters, it cost 150 coin to open, but each chpaTer still will cost you about 10 coins. sometimes it couod be glitching when you purhcase the bulk, but try check the history and see if you pay 150, or 250-300 for the lot, or try contact help, thank you

6 days ago
Replied to Leo81202

fix thanks

This paragraph has been deleted.
Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

6 days ago
Replied to lil_ba_z

Emery didn’t realize it at the time, but the princess' burden was slowly becoming his own as well. sorry old chapters still need lot of proofreadings

He did not realize it, but the princess' burden slowly became his as well.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

7 days ago
Replied to HaronTheRuler

ah yes you are right thanks

Since the duel was established 15 years ago, they had lost two of their most crucial pillars—Grand Magus Izta and Fuxi, both gone. Fjolrin, the third senior magus, had disappeared without a trace, leaving them without his guidance. This left only Morgana and Ashaka, the last of their dependable magus, to bear the brunt of the upcoming challenge.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

10 days ago
Replied to SnoweeReader

The maniac is a great answer, unfortunatly I am focusing on the main side characters now...

11 days ago
Replied to Eriach

thank you very much

12 days ago
Replied to Omar_Gh

my mistake, its Grisa

This paragraph has been deleted.
Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

13 days ago
Replied to Robert_Peavey

glad you like it, thank you very much

Thank you for the support and hope you all will join me for June chapters, and don't forget to drop by our Discord channel for the end-of-the-month events!

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

17 days ago
Replied to HaronTheRuler

sq9YhuhC try this one

19 days ago
Replied to DaoistaYVnJp


  • Earth's Greatest Magus original

    Earth's Greatest Magus


    4.52 Hot Recently Updated

    #Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 Cover: Female Lead - Cleopatra #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"

    2343 Chs 71.8k Collections

  • Re: Apocalypse Game original

    Re: Apocalypse Game


    4.62 Recently Updated

    Alan, a young science teacher, finds himself and millions of other, forced by alien invaders to participate in absurd VR "Apocalypse Games." Desperate to save his sick daughter, he took the path of gun and sword, embarking on a journey to become one of the top players in this deadly virtual world. All were forced to survive a series of different apocalypse scenarios: Ice age, Nuclear Fallout, AI Meltdown, Apex predators, etc. all for one promise: [Defeat all rounds and we will leave your world in peace] Every year, with less than 10% managed to survive, the whole world would watch the games in terror as their loved ones suffered and died.  After seven grueling years, Alan and his team become the last hope for humanity. But even their valiant efforts end in defeat. Alan loses everything—his comrades, his daughter, and the hope of mankind. Given a second chance, equip with the knowledge of the game's secrets and the future, will this simple science teacher succeed in saving the world? ---------------- Author Notes: This is my fifth Novel, i believe this one will show all my experience after writing 2000+ chapters and being Top 20 Webnovel Authors for 3 years. Its VR + Squid games + Apocalypse movies If you like any of those you will like this one #SmartMC #System #FullpackAction #Magic #MartialArts #Mecha #Vampire # Werewolf #Zombies #Bloodlines #Alien #War #Romance#SliceofLife #PopCulture Check out Apocalypse Game VIDEO TRAILER and COMIC TEASER on www.avans.xyz

    237 Chs 11.3k Collections

  • Blood Elf Monarch original

    Blood Elf Monarch



    Abandoned since birth, mistreated, exploited, betrayed, and hurt. This was all society had offered to Tristan. The day of his release from prison, he was transmigrated to the world of orcs and elves and forced to become the Legendary elves champion. The Blood Elf. [Blood Elf Monarch Innate Ability Activated] [Stage One Skill - Blood Extraction] [5000 Mix of low qualities blood cells found] [Extract Blood Cells] [2000 Blood Essence Extracted] [Battle power increase exponentially] Being the Undying Ancient Blood Elf during the war between races of humans and elves, will Tristan renounce his people to be part of the Elves, or will he follow his own resolve? Follow The Adventure of Tristan as he becomes the leading Monarch of the Universe ----------- Novel Video Trailer: Type "Blood Elf Monarch" in youtube Here are some of the things you will find here MC: smart but with questionable morals. Start OP but still have a deep of weak - strong growth World: Imagine Lord of the Ring with guns and spaceships System: There is a system but it will not be the focus of the story Harem: Yes, but I love romance, so there will be love interests and drama, not all about p3nus *The Monarch characteristic will not really show until volume 3, the MC will have some flaws at early chapters its part of his growth This is my third novel, my first novel was in the top 50, and my second novel is now Top 15 trending in webnovel, so hopefully, this third one will be even better.

    436 Chs 25.9k Collections

  • Young Master in the Apocalypse original

    Young Master in the Apocalypse



    Viktor was the youngest son of the richest and most powerful man in Russia. Anything he wants, he gets. No one dares to offend him, and every day, he's living a life of a king– Until apocalypse comes. His life is miserable! Or not. After spending two years hiding inside his luxurious Romanov bunker, living life the same old way full of alcohol, delicacies, and supermodels, he's finally forced to come out of his diamond turtle shell. Now, the world has become such a different place. His money, his friends, his status, all have been rendered useless. He was greeted with hordes of undead, mutated monsters, Alien technology, and superhumans that stood between him and his future. Fortunately, Viktor has found a Divine Artifact among his family's hidden treasure, The Djinn lamp that granted him the power to survive the new world. [You have received the spirit energy of stage two undead - level 10] [You have received 3 points in endurance] [You have received 5 points of spirit force] [You have reached a breakthrough into a new realm] With his newfound power, will the young master survive the apocalypse? Or will it only push his luck until he dies? This is the story of an arrogant young master on the journey to find the best thing; luxury, power, and jade beauties even in the apocalypse --------- Author Note: Although set in an apocalypse world, this is a light story about adventure, friendship, and romance even among harem companions that will hopefully brighten up your day with some action and comedy. Please be warned that it has minimum sex explicit content. Check video trailer in youtube "Young master in the Apocalypse"

    229 Chs 8.9k Collections

  • Doomsday Pillars original

    Doomsday Pillars


    4.65 Completed

    In January 2020, the world came to an end. When the plague started it, 80% of the population was wiped out. Despair. Tears– and blood dyed the earth. When the survivors thought there was no more hope.... They came. 1008 pillars dropped from the sky, scattered all around the world in more than 100 countries. The pillars became defensive bases for all of the survivors. But in the end...after 10 years of struggle... The human race still lost. This is a story of Alex, given a second chance to start anew, one month before it all started. Witness Alex's journey in saving the world, the human race, and his family. Uncover the secret of the pillars that give power to human mutation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Video Trailer www.avans.xyz What will readers be expecting from this novel: *Realistic world background. (Battle in famous cities; Bali, Singapore, Sydney, Rome, Las Vegas) *Real historical quotes *Sci-fi as close to real-world science *Slice of Life WARNING : The first volume is the world building and preparation, so its a slow start. When the Pillar arrive, the novel will have more cultivation and system content. If you interested of more visual, feel free to join Doomsday Pillar discord, www.avans.xyz

    383 Chs 24.2k Collections

  • Sang Penguasa Darah 17+ original

    Sang Penguasa Darah 17+


    Ditinggalkan sejak lahir, dianiaya, dieksploitasi, dikhianati, dan disakiti. Hanya ini yang ditawarkan masyarakat kepada Tristan. Pada hari pembebasannya dari penjara, dia dipindahkan ke dunia orc dan elf dan dipaksa menjadi sang legendary penguasa darah [Skill Bawaan Blood Elf Monarch Diaktifkan] [Skill Tahap Satu – Blood Extraction] [Campuran 5000 sel darah berkualitas rendah ditemukan] [Mengekstrak dan menyaring sel darah...] [2000 Blood Essence diperoleh] [Kekuatan pertempuran meningkat secara eksponensial] Menjadi seorang penguasa darah dalam perperangan antara ras manusia dan elf, akankah Tristan meninggalkan kemanusiaanya untuk menjadi bagian dari Elf, atau akankah dia mengikuti tekadnya sendiri? Ikuti The Adventure of Tristan saat ia menjadi Sang Penguasa Darah Karya ke Tiga dari Top Author Webnovel Indonesia Bisa lihat video trilernya dalam link ini www.avans.xyz Selamat Membaca

    339 Chs 288 Collections

  • Penyihir Terhebat Bumi original

    Penyihir Terhebat Bumi



    # Indonesian Internasional Best Selling Author Sejarah ditulis oleh para pemenang, kata mereka. Jika demikian, bagaimana dengan sejarah Bumi, tempat kita tinggal sekarang? Dua ribu tahun yang lalu, seorang anak laki-laki bernama Emery mengalami nasib tragis. Pada nafas terakhirnya, dia dibawa dan diterima di sekolah sihir paling bergengsi di Alam Semesta. "Kamu adalah beberapa orang terpilih dari ribuan dunia manusia. Apakah kamu memegang atau tidak dari kesempatan ini, itu terserah kamu. Kamu berada di Magus Academy, puncak kecerdasan humaniora. Sihir, sains, dan semua kekuatan tersedia bagi mereka yang mencarinya. " [Scan selesai - Afinitas empat element: Air, Bumi, Tumbuhan, dan Kegelapan.] "Acolyte empat element! Hanya satu dari puluhan ribu acolyte yang memiliki ini!" Maka dimulailah perjalanan Emery bersama dengan 4 temannya dari sudut pelosok Bumi. Setiap tahun mereka kembali ke Bumi untuk tumbuh, membalas dendam, menyelamatkan sang putri, menaklukkan dunia, dan menjadi Magus Terhebat di Bumi. Nama mereka masih tertulis dalam buku sejarah kita hingga saat ini. ----- Bisa cek juga versi inggrisnya yg Trending di Global #Earth Greatest Magus atau kunjungi websitenya unutk video youtube dan link discord www.avans.xyz Terimakasih

    418 Chs 1.8k Collections

  • Doomsday Pillars (Indonesia) original

    Doomsday Pillars (Indonesia)



    Januari tahun 2020 Dunia akan berakhir, wabah akan membunuh mayoritas penduduk dan mayat hidup juga monster monster lainnya akan menggantikan manusia memenuhi bumi. Keselamatan manusia akan bergatung pada 1008 pilar yang akan jatuh memenuhi lebih dari 100 negara di dunia. Novel ini adalah cerita fiksi ilmiah mengenai reikarnator Alex yang diberikan kesempatan kedua untuk merubah nasib manusia dari kehancuran akhir jaman. Apa yang Alex akan lakukan dalam kesempatan ini? melindungi keluarganya? menyelamatkan indonesia? umat manusia? 100% karya penulis indonesia -Avan- Bila menyukai novel ini bisa langsung support power votenya ya sekalian join di facebook @doomsdaypillars atau discord https://discord.gg/HJ9kWVB Jangan lupa klik simpan sebagai favorit agar bisa dapat info update lebih cepat

    347 Chs 2.3k Collections

  • Spirit Magus Chronicles original

    Spirit Magus Chronicles


    The Universe ruled by the Power of Spirit. The one who cultivates the power of Spirit and turn into a Spirit Magus and becomes its rulers

    2 Chs 1k Collections