I find the para a bit funny since the quotes are from a movie released in 2012 (Cloud Atlas) lol It's a bit funny cause the plot of the story is in the 70s haha
A cruel character from a movie once said, "that no matter what is done it will never amount to anything to more than a single drop in a limitless ocean." To which another character replied, "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?" For a single drop may not amount to much, but as the drops gather close and begin to puddle together as more and more join until someday an ocean is formed.
Book&Literature · EsliEsma
No, it's just Reili and your world is a novel he writes. Creator of all Reili-Sama!
Which just brings up the question of what do you call the 'thing' that created the system? Are they more powerful than this 'god' that they've been interacting with all their life?
Fantasy · Reili
needs fix. this lady's name is Shiro not Shior.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · Reili
*Continuation from before* Shiro: If you make a god bleed, people will cease to believe in him, and there will be blood in the water, and that's when the sharks come...
Now that she had inflicted an injury on him, no matter how small, she understood that he could be injured and subsequently killed.
Fantasy · Reili
Giant: All of this for a drop of blood? *Shiro Grins*
After all, the spear managed to pierce the giant's hand and some blood could be seen rolling down his hand.
Fantasy · Reili
you're back I just noticed. finally, I can have my dose of Chris and her adventures. Welcome back, I used to check every day until I kind of gave up checking every day to see you are back or not then I have started reading Bend in time another harry potter fanfic still I miss Christina. then I just started to catch up on all the reads that I have piled up for months (cause slow updates) and now I see you are back. please don't drop. and welcome back
Iori here is rejoicing on the fact that Kai got the same treatment from Joanne that iori got from iori's wife lolz
ah my ooh-la-la! hahaha Kai I feel you I also got to sleep alone sadlife
No regrets! Even though he didn't manage to get to the oo-la-la bit.
Urban · PsyberRose
The story is great, I am loving the plot so far. It's very interesting to see two different body with the same soul concept. I love the characters, they are well written. My favorite character is Sabastian and Aurora. I am really looking forward to the yuri moments. I also ship AuroraXNyx.
hope you get well soon Author!
A Bend in Time
Book&Literature · EsliEsma