
male LV 13


2017-11-02 Joined Global
Original works
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8 months ago
Replied to Lukas_Kmitas


"Right!" The Wyrmling puffed his chest out with pride and smoke out of his nostrils with Flames.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

2 years ago
Replied to Rita_152

Just like a conventional monarchy succession, she is not yet a queen, but she is royalty and thus at the top of the hierarchy of the hive. And this fact will affect some crucial aspects of this kind of flashbacks in the future, so I can not elaborate any further at the moment :), otherwise I would unintentionally drop some spoilers.

2 years ago

It may be shameless, but if I don't support my work, who will? XD The story of Kurohime is really something I like to bring to life and put on paper. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that one day I would pick up this old character of mine and give her a chance to show her tale. I have to admit, when I created her, I did not think she would make it this far, because the original Kurohime was a generic character, if I may say so. But all the things she's experienced have made her a unique heroine, and I can only hope that my brain will be able to convey her story, her feelings, and her problems to all of you. After all, that's what made her Kurohime, because who likes characters who are always perfect? Seeing her grow up was what made me happy playing with her in the RPG scenario, and I hope you all have fun reading her long journey in the chaotic world where she was born.

2 years ago
Replied to UltimateHunter

or Xena, Áries is a Common enemy of both

"Don't push your luck, furball." She replied with a snarl. "It will shapeshift to keep your vitals protected in your Skoll form but that's it."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

2 years ago
Replied to Piter_Teixeira_5713

If i am not mistaken, its the old Hercules series

"Don't push your luck, furball." She replied with a snarl. "It will shapeshift to keep your vitals protected in your Skoll form but that's it."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago

sair a minute ........ i have seen this line somewhere 😂😂😂😂

"Mr. Shuhang, do you want to eat~ soak in the hot spring~ or perhaps have a room prepared for you and rest first?" Lady Kunna changed the look on her face, and wore a calm and gentle smile.

Cultivation Chat Group

Cultivation Chat Group

Urban · Legend of the Paladin

3 years ago

Paperwork incoming 🤣🤣🤣☝🏻

From his vantage point atop one of the trees, Locrias, the Captain of the Queen's Corps in charge of the security detail of Lith's family, stared in horror at the DoLorean.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

3 years ago


3 years ago

saber harem [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

As a reward, Song Shuhang used the 'Saber-Nurturing Technique' on each of the sabers.

Cultivation Chat Group

Cultivation Chat Group

Urban · Legend of the Paladin

  • Music Mayhem: Rise of the alien princess original

    Music Mayhem: Rise of the alien princess


    This is the tale of a former human, which was transformed into something she could never imagine by powers beyond her comprehension. The world she lived in got flipped on its head after a strange day, where red letters scarred the sky. The message that was brought by these letters was a simple, yet initially cryptic one: “I will make you pay. With your lyrics, with your songs.” This was the utmost repressed feeling and lust for vengeance of a not so young decaying idol, which after much frustration and being fired due to her losing all the popularity she previously acclaimed, got tempted by a strange weird black letter. The text put her on a journey she would never return from. By following the letter contents, she was able to uncover a weird artefact, but little she knew, that the box contained a powerful entity which was more than pleased in converting the idol woes into a harsh reality. Once the artefact manifested, a new powerful being which, by the lack of other terms, is referred to simply as “Amazing Magician” got released upon the world and now, the simple act of singing a song can transport a person to a parallel reality which is governed by the, more often than not, the harsher and most sadistic possible interpretation of the song’s lyrics. The way out? Good luck trying to understand the new meaning of the lyrics and how to “solve the story” that the lyrics created. The world quickly transformed into chaos, as sweet and innocent songs, oftentimes, include one or two simple phrases that can transform all the meaning into a living hell, as simple as promising to give someone your heat… literally. Blood, deaths, mutations, new entities, races, technological marvels… It was a true revolution of the world. Now, in this new scenario, valiant idols group to face this new challenge. Singing is no longer about only pleasing the audience, but also about surviving and outsmarting the system. Author note: this novel is inspired by an RPG character that I made and played with. I decided to adapt all her tale into a novel; knowing this, I give all my thanks to WokgranX which created the world where Kurohime lived her history.

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