
LV 13
2017-11-02 Joined Global
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Moments 5
2 years ago

Hey, this chapter took me by heart, just reading it, cause it's my regrets. I just bawl my eyes out, cause i'll never meet my mum again, i'm sorry.

2 years ago
Replied to MisterImmortal

Hello Author, pretty sure, after you added images of main characters, the glossaries of ranks and map of continent have disappeared, webnovel issue or you removed them for now?

2 years ago
Replied to calloffun

I was doing paragraphs at least when i wrote this, but webnovel just dumped it in one.

2 years ago

While the story is really good first 150-200 chapters, It's slowly deteriorates into chapter by chapter filler, e.g. fights spanning many chapters or "deep thoughts" of characters, which is repetitve most of the time and described in couple of chapters (which can be made in couple of paragraphs). Chapter 300+ (or around that) is filler most of the time. Basically story becomes your everyday chinese novel, even if premise of the story is interesting (with sin and heaven blessing contradicting each other). IDK what to say, i'm really dissapointed with the progression and underneath of the story which got really wasted. Just my speculations: Author just milks out of everyone and will write as long there is people willing to buy, as i assume the story will become 5000+ chapters like martial god asura or whatever novel u can associate it with. To highlight my opinion: the premise is good and early chapters give you a sense of something new, BUT it becomes just a clusterfuck of fillers. If maybe this novel someday becomes a completed novel or changes to the better, I'll either change my opinion or just read final chapters to know where this is ended. Sorry for my punctuation and grammatics, if it's wrong anywhere, I'm not an english native speaker. Writing Quality: 5.0, Nothing much to say, it's at least on par with my review, which is enough for me. Stability of Updates: 4.0, It's at least 1+ chapter a day outside of hiatuses, which is understandable. Whould have given 5, if not for filler after filler chapters. Story Development: 1.0 - it's wasted, can't say much more about it. Character Design: 1.0 - there's no character progression after Long Chen ark, which is basically 1/5 of the chapters released (more or less, i've been reading this story for an 1.5 years, can't remember exact chapters, he was introduced in like 100 chapters, then drag out for like another 300 or smth, same with Lin Ming now(even more chapters I assume)). Characters are not forgotten in 900+ chapters, because it's basically filler all the time. World Background: It's inroduced nicely at first, but after that it's basically dragged out for 700+ chapters. First intoduction comes in like first like 50 chapters steadily, which is great. After 700(around that time frame) chapters, there is another trial, introduction of bigger world comes, where supposedly king of everlove is living in, or not (not enough chapters).

4 years ago

Personally, I prefer the story like that more