

male LV 14

A lover of good stories!

2017-06-30 Joined United States
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3 years ago
Replied to Deus_Rex

Hmm... Time will tell. No spoilers from me. Although I will say the idea of gods will become more prevalent as the story continues.

3 years ago
Replied to Deus_Rex

Abraham is an interesting character choice. He will have some good development. Also, no one is really left behind. I'm not saying one thing or another, but you will see the character joining back with Laz in due time.

3 years ago
Replied to ProfessorofCulture

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

3 years ago
Replied to bricks_boss

For my own safety, I can neither agree nor disagree with that statement.

3 years ago
Replied to Deus_Rex

Puzzle pieces. I don't like to just go... ex machina/ plot armor to solve the problem. So there will be a connection, but not right away. Think... gods...

3 years ago
Replied to Deus_Rex

Eh, eeeehhhhhhhhh.... Well, maybe a little, but not much. Here's a fun thing though. I had totally forgotten he had collected it until I got into writing this chapter. I had set it up to be used earlier than this, but then got side tracked and it never showed up. So... this was planned... in theory.

3 years ago
Replied to High_like_a_mofo

Well, for reference sake, the more you use a gun, the more you need to take care of a gun. Cleaning it out and oiling it is essential to maintaining it's working order. Laz did not do that, so it was bound to happen.

4 years ago

Good question. it has to do with the element of explanation. If you can explain it, you can judge it. When you can’t, People usually think miracles and it becomes... good? It’s the god complex.

4 years ago

You know, honestly I thought about it. But aT the same time our boy Laz has wayyyyy too many girls around him and almost no guys. Besides, it helps to Add a bro element to the story.

  • Children of a Lesser God original

    Children of a Lesser God


    4.63 Recently Updated

    A giant tree popped up in the middle of the Atlantic ocean covering the world in a strange new radiation and because of it, people began to change. First, there are the Chosen. These super humans have only slight physical changes and yet can manifest amazing elemental powers. Next, you have the Infected. These humans have experienced large scale body changes which range from animal adaptations to simply grotesque body decomposition. Most are still normal and sane humans who attempt to adapt to life while being shunned by others. There are some however that have grown deranged and think themselves the rulers of the world. Our MC lives a somewhat lonely life while sometimes being accompanied by his rather senile yet kind grandfather. He has no idea where his parents went after they dropped him off a few years ago, so he has no choice but to stay here. He lives by the idea that he should just be air and not be noticed in the slightest. All of this goes ok until things start changing and Laz starts getting dragged around in many different directions. Welcome to a story of Gods, evolution, love, adult situations and basically bringing a bit of eastern fantasy to western civilization. Hope you enjoy the ride.

    609 Chs 3.3k Collections