No Problem Bro was just wondering happened Got to do what you got to do. Family first after all
i say give her one combat related like battle,one ruler rand family or lawful related. god chapter
Good idea with the creation of a religion. the title you used to for him highfather through are you going emulate something's from DC's new gods cause that would be cool and also opening a hole can of worms at the same time. the thought of a marvel highfather leading countless new gods does sound good. you could have him realizing that he could grant his own valiforce or source energy to this followers to empower them on earth and use the most faithful and devoted as a show to the mortals that even they can become gods if they are faithful to their God.
my condolences mate sorry for your lost and take the needed to relax and sort out your emotions. a lost of family member is always hard not matter what any says. it will always be something that ways on you going forward but just remember that even though he may be on from physically, he will always be there spiritually in your memories and heart.
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