Eager to get home and play, he leaned forward. "Kosuke, drive faster."
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
all your wisdom and intelligence won't do xit if a fully armored gorilla with a shotgun charged at you.
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Video Games · Zaborn_1997
where is the chin that can cut adamantine?!
Crimson's appearance immediately drew attention. A handsome young man with sharp features, his long, spiky black hair with red tips that he keeps in a ponytail, framing his sharp, symmetrical face. His striking deep crimson eyes seemed to hold a depth of wisdom far beyond his years, captivating anyone who met his gaze.
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
well, geniuses are often misunderstood but not just because you are misunderstood, it doesn't make you one.
He believed that as long as he won, the method didn't matter. A prodigy shouldn't be judged by ordinary standards. He wanted to prove that some people are simply born different.
Anime & Comics · ShadySmuggler
if they have the boxer lobster thingy that have a punch speed 50 times faster than human blink is good ability.
"Jory, I need you to find someone who can provide me with different species of insects, birds, and animals by tomorrow. I want a variety—everything from the common to the rare."
TV · MidnightBlade007
I lost.
"Because you're an important companion to me."
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
I read it as "Khunt, Dick's brother" the first time lmao
This team was led by C, D's brother.
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
They forgot to add his chin that can cut adamantine
Arthur stared at the reflection—his white-ashen hair falling messily around his face, his piercing blue eyes staring back at him with a strange sense of detachment. He had the face of someone younger, around sixteen or fifteen at most, though it was strikingly handsome in a way that still made him feel out of place. It was a face he recognized but didn't. The kind of face that belonged in a world where dreams and reality could blur.
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren
grandpa bias
The icy resolve on the Lord Wyman's flushed face melted away as he broke into a wide grin and burst into laughter. "Ha ha! You're back—that's all that matters!" The old man leapt from the throne and quickly strode over to Clay, circling him as he scrutinized him from all angles. Speaking at a rapid pace, he said, "Not bad, this is my grandson, indeed. Even the hair on your lip is starting to grow. Tsk… I never thought you'd turn out so handsome. When you were a child, you looked just like your father—ugly as sin. But now, you're a good-looking fellow. Good! You've returned. Rest tonight, and I'll take you to Lord Eddard and ask for a marriage contract..."
TV · Night_FrOst_
"Go, big guy! Crush those bugs!" The young Sisters Hospitaller excitedly waved her little fists, cheering for Red King.
Warhammer: Lord of the Endless Monster Horde
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode