Hanekawa's eyes snapped open. His whole body ached, as if he'd won the lottery and then been trampled by dozens of housewives.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
Inside, Makoto, peering through a crack in the door, broke into a cold sweat as he watched the ever-smiling Unohana approach the door.
Anime & Comics · Lin11111
if the mother moves to California Bureau of Investigation, there is a possibility to merge 'The Mentalist'. My fav show.
AN: Hello~ with two chapters now available; I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Quick question: Which TV shows or movies do you all think would mesh well with the Modern Family universe for Mathew to interact with? I'm open to suggestions.
TV · TikTak012
Throughout heaven and earth, your naming sense is truly, scuffed.
Someone grinned, "Pink Chinchorro Frajola, you won't regret this decision."
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
What, and hear me out here, The Fuck?!
Chapter 172 ⥤ Which is More Important - Length or Hardness?
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
If there comes a day when a harsh truth is revealed, such as us being mere constructs of thoughts from a ROB, would I too sigh and lament my fate in such a fashion? I wonder.....
"So, it's all just an illusion after all…"
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
Crocus is a fucking gem.
He didn't want to fight monsters; someone could die.
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
Boruto shivered at the thought. "I do... but she's a nightmare to deal with."
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
If, and i am just hypothesizing here, we're going by the governance dealt via the position, then Hiruzen truly would be the correct answer.
Makoto stared at the question. 'Isn't every answer just Sarutobi Hiruzen?'
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
7. I Challenged You!
Talent System In The Naruto Universe
Anime & Comics · Rashta