I know you’re just TL’ing, but I wish you’d have just kept the rape scene out tbh. I’ve got no interest reading about a rapist MC.
I think it’s either referrring to Pokémon characteristic for Special Defense IVs, or Stubborn Character is just bad MTL for Adamant Nature
- **Use:** After use, a Pokémon will gain a stubborn character.
Anime & Comics · pokelax
When I read her thoughts on this last chapter I thought “is the author trying to make her unlikable?”
"I will remember all the names that were against my appointment as General." Sitting down on the sofa, Rose spoke aloud, still full of anger at the mistrust of her ability.
Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
Author you just said he emptied the magazine earlier
Then Brian raised his gun again and shot at Darwin's new organ.
Movies · LiveandLove
Isn’t Hinata a toddler? What am I reading
Tsunade felt a pang. *When you have a girl, you forget about your family.* Forcing a smile, she continued.
Anime & Comics · Shinchan_37
With that bonus chapter format (which I know most WN authors use), the advantage is gone after I read the 50 extra chapters; I’ll be back to reading the same amount of chapters daily as the public, while still paying for them. It’s like paying a monthly subscription fee for a DLC that I’ll be done with in 2 days. I’d rather pay for more monthly chapters than the public gets to read (or 1 more daily chapter), if I’m paying monthly. Not complaining or anything, just giving my viewpoint as potential subber. Thanks for great TLing regardless
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For* Voldemort
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Can’t he just fly?
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And how many centuries were they all in this state of panic? And wasn’t Mikael, who they claim to have fled from, with them for this duration? Idk maybe I missed something, I honestly haven’t been able to keep up with the timeline of events easily
Lagertha and I left that night to the next battlefield running into Mikael who was fitting for the descendants of his cousin Rollo. with a Rebekah running after us constantly apologizing for abandoning me…her reasoning was that she was certain Mikael would kill them all as they all played a part in their mother's death…and that only I could calm father's temper.
TV · Shane_Town
"If cultivated, it would be a perfect traffic Pokémon, a true girl magnet."
Pokemon: Instantly Kill God-Level Charizard At The Start!
Anime & Comics · pokelax