that was disappointing, nobody needed him almost like everything would work out even without him there... i mean he didn't even win, next time he should learn from vegeta and wait for the protagonist
"How do I look...?" asked Vivi, her body garbed in a purple and pink outfit reminiscent of a belly dancer. The top accentuated her ample bosom and left much of her back, shoulders, and abdomen completely exposed. The bottoms were comparably tame, consisting of a skirt that hung low on the hips and extended to the ankles, but if you caught it at the right angle, the fabric was fairly light and translucent.
Anime & Comics · Einlion
he could use a bet to regenerate or seimei kikan (is TO Strange that his df don't offer protection aganist this 'sickness'... just imagine Magellan being poisoned by his OWN venom or enel being struck by lightning)
This thing about creating your own enemies, most heroes do that, flash-zoom, batman - 2 faces, batman-joker, superman-Zod, iron man - iron monger, the list goes on forever... honestly most heroes do more harm than good, apart from planetary events, universal or multiversal of course.
future superman is my favorite one
I knew in the back of my mind that this was just a Kryptonian skinsuit with a cape. Mostly worn as an informal clothing or as an undergarment while wearing an armor.
Anime & Comics · Avi2112
You described 90% of Shonen's less the part while doing it they face opponents far intelligent, experienced... well you get it, anyway he is inside of one of those Shonen, so or win by yourself or let it to the protagonist because he will win anyway... it is "just dumb" but that it a Shonen in a nutshell, under dog kid wins op villain who everyone on the verse couldn't.
Not a Mob: Psycho
Anime & Comics · Einlion