
yugioh db Fanfiction

  • TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse! Yugioh Db Fanfic

    TWD In the Navy during the Apocalypse!

    by Westley86
    4.98 (13 ratings)

    yugioh universe of some sorts so I begin to look for people on the internet that would be notable.... I found nobody from the yugioh universe.. but I found an old article about hulk smashing up Harlem

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  • Michael and DB arrived at the meeting place later that evening. They saw Luca sitting down by the fountain. Luca didn't respond when they called out. Lucia's eyes were glazed over. She had ended u

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  • DB + DxD + HP + Danmachi + Naruto + Multiverse

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  • Kanisha meets yugioh Yugioh Db Fanfic

    Kanisha meets yugioh

    by Kanisha_kimi
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  • gx son of kaiba Yugioh Db Fanfic

    gx son of kaiba

    by nayeem12
    (Not enough ratings)

    I don't own yugioh or yugioh gx

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  • How To Kill Demons For Dummies Yugioh Db Fanfic

    How To Kill Demons For Dummies

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    Yo guys, it's me the author and I'm here to say some random shit that you'll probably skip or skim over because seriously who the hell reads the authors note right? So I recently got bored and deci

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  • The Fairy Duelist Yugioh Db Fanfic

    The Fairy Duelist

    by RecklesslyOP
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    I will never forget how it happened on summer day. Hi, my name is Yugi Muto. You might have heard the name before, and before you ask, yes, it's the same name as the protagonist from the original Yugi

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  • Pokemon vs Yugioh Yugioh Db Fanfic

    Pokemon vs Yugioh

    by Imdoingsomething
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    My name is Lance and today I'm doing regular Saturday morning routine watching Utube. A video peaked my interest "Pokemon vs Yugioh which is best video game" and what a crazy guy he actually said Yug

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  • It's Time to Duel Yugioh Db Fanfic

    It's Time to Duel

    by SilverWalnut
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    yugioh cards can be seen strewn across the keyboard. Suddenly, the TV blares an alarm and a female reporter goes on air. On the bottom left corner of the screen, a helicopter view of a large vehicle z

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  • Db Yugioh Db Fanfic


    by Priyanshu_Bansal
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  • The noobs Yugioh Db Fanfic

    The noobs

    by nooneyoushouldknow
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    usjshwgehhrhejdhdhdhrj the dB chef benchusjshwgehhrhejdhdhdhrj the dB chef bench dB DVD bench DVD beg NDBs HD bxhdhdfhfhdhhdhdhrhfiebeheb sshsbdbebe e d d d d f. d dhsbsbbbhhb kykj jhehehsbsvsvsbshjwo

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  • Ocs yugioh cards Yugioh Db Fanfic

    Ocs yugioh cards

    by Paradoxduelist133
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    yugioh archetype.... I don't even know what to call this, let's just say book for now. So I will be posted my own custom archetype for yugioh and from time to time, I will ask you guys to vote on

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  • DragonBall : The Saiyan-Tuffle Hybrid Yugioh Db Fanfic

    DragonBall : The Saiyan-Tuffle Hybrid

    by Lord_Perfecto
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    a DB fan finds himself in the DB world .... as a saiyan-tuffle hybrid !!!! ===================================== i don't own anything

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  • 英雄联盟之兼职主播 Yugioh Db Fanfic


    by 永远的黄昏
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      比赛开始,如同叶焱预料的那样,DB战队一群人都选出了自己喜欢的皮肤,毫无意外,彩虹马。   不过从耳机外传来现场观众的尖叫声,苏晨明白DB战队的人还是很成功的,至少在魅力这方面,他们是成功的。   一级,天幕战队选择入侵,应证了那句,有钩必侵。   田卓立的泰坦一马当先走在队伍最前面。   不过DB战队的人选择了退让,虽然DB战队实力不怎么样,但是在挨打这一方面他们的确做到

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  • 电子重生 Yugioh Db Fanfic


    by 周硕
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      万里长征第一步,终于第一百章了,欣慰。   有川浩哑然失笑,道:“周桑难道想要靠行抢来把得到DB公司吗?不然最好还是拿出钱来。”   周硕摊手道:“钱没有,不过我有能为有川社长赚钱的办法,不知道是否可以当钱。”   “哦?”有川浩果然有些感兴趣,点头道:“你可以说说看。”   周硕从随身的皮包里拿出厚厚一摞A4纸装订成的文件,递给有川浩道:“我知道有川社长的名下有一家游戏开发公司,而且

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  • 乱世之王 Yugioh Db Fanfic


    by 菠菜面筋
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    李尧给他老爹修书一封之后,便迫不及待的准备出发DB县,于是带上狗头,叫李峰在一群城卫军的拱卫下向DB县进发,因为这次还没有经过他老爹的同意就擅自出发,周边县城自然也不知道宁侯会出来,所以尽管李尧很缺钱,也不敢随便去进县城打秋风了。   因为这次是避开各个县城行军的,所以李尧他们晚上只能在野地安营扎寨。每次安营扎寨的时候,李峰都会亲自出来检查一下防卫情况。   李尧对李峰这种“平时就是战

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  • 我的明末生涯 Yugioh Db Fanfic


    by 574981
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      两千被张中明给予厚望的乱兵精锐,连小半个时辰都没有坚持住,就全线崩溃。   面对这个预料之中的结果,骑兵团没有在战场做丝毫停留。   连战场都没有打扫,就越过战场,沿着官道,继续追击已经逃出十多里的张中明。   一千多铁骑,虽然将自己追击速度增加到极致。   但是,DB县城毕竟已经出现在张中明面前。浩浩荡荡的虎豹军铁骑,在六千乱兵精锐中砍下一个尾巴,不到千人精锐后。只能眼睁睁看着其它五

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  • Kyoto's P.O.V "Wow! Kyoto Ito wins her 6th tournament in a row! Can you believe it!"The crowd's wonderful cheered filled my ears. I wave and picks up my bey, Killjoy Karma and walk of the stadium. H

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