
sm Novel

  • Sheloah looked down again. "Veon, we need to make a plan. We won't last for a week. We can stretch this out for three days," Sheloah said and Veon spoke. "Yes, I know but what can we do now?" Veon

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  • 21st century Goguryeo Sm Novel

    21st century Goguryeo

    by 홍마루
    4.63 (21 ratings)

    February 15, 2021, 05:25 All over Japan Russia's 55 ICBMs, which had just entered the end stage by flying a distance of 4,000 km, crossed over the Corean Peninsula. As the front warhead fairing deta

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  • Brother-In-Law, Im Pregnant Sm Novel

    Brother-In-Law, Im Pregnant

    by Bastard
    4.16 (52 ratings)

    "You little rogue, you'll only get disappointed, you absolutely can't kill me. You want to kill me for the sake of your sister then you'll have to pay the price more terrible than death!" Qi XinLei ha

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  • fudjfk Sm Novel


    by DrsMister_E_He
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    sm nur Wahid Hasyim no tertib administrasi pertanahan kabupaten Tanjung jabungbarat di mn emang ente gan ane mau nanya ya di mn kw SM entertainment di dalam negeri dan yang paling penting adalah bagai

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  • Escaped to Korea Sm Novel

    Escaped to Korea

    by Novi_Ananda
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    seorang gadis cantik dari anak kolomerat kaya raya kini kabur dari rumahnya bukan tanpa alasan karena sang papa ingin menjodohkannya dengan pria bangkotan membuat gadis itu kabur dan menetap di negara

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  • Black blank screen Sm Novel

    Black blank screen

    by HyunjinieHairband
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    A little girl that is a trainee at SM Entertainmentand she is willing to do anything to make history by being the youngest idol in Korea

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  • eastern fantasy ideas free to use Sm Novel

    eastern fantasy ideas free to use

    by Dragosmom
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    sm from here on. sm does not stand for anyone being bullied which is rare in the cultivation world. is a firm believer in the strong protect the weak. spends alot of time travelling looking for resou

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  • Love In Time Sm Novel

    Love In Time

    by princesswang
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    Pythagoras dari Samos[a] (lahir sekitar tahun 570 SM - meninggal sekitar tahun 495 SM) adalah seorang filsuf Yunani Ionia kuno dan perintis aliran pythagoreanisme. Ajaran politik dan keagamaannya dike

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  • SM Sanam Sm Novel

    SM Sanam

    by S_M_Sanam
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  • I Love You Again and Again Sm Novel

    I Love You Again and Again

    by LilyPenMe
    (Not enough ratings)

    #Things to know:- *In Japanese(San) is a title of respect added to a name, and it could be translated as Mr., Mrs., and Ms. *Chan: expresses that the speaker finds the person endearing. •••••••••••

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  • LDR X Muser Sm Novel

    LDR X Muser

    by Raciella
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    sm Aa zaki, aduh neng aa makin cinta nih sm eneng" ucap zaki sambil tertawa "Hahahahha, km mah bisa aja"ucap ku "Zaki PB gw kemana kata rafly lu yg ambil, balikin gcc" teriak seseorang "Hahaha, sum

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  • 在星光中觉醒 Sm Novel


    by 心怀猛虎
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    SM的女团风格?”   易浩彦被这个问题难住了。   将来珠泫姐和涩琪很有可能一起出道,按照SM的习惯,早点熟悉风格确实是有必要。   可是。。。   “我不知道。”   少年老实摇头。   “??还有你不知道的吗?”两女都有点惊讶:“不是天才么?”   “天才也是人啊!分析都是基于现实信息进行的。SM的新女团刚刚推出,短时间不会再推女团。我怎么可能知道未来几年SM的倾向?

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  • hAunted Sm Novel


    by Bisa
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    In a dimly lit room decorated by carefully hand-sewn plush dolls of grotesque creatures, a girl with unkempt wavy black hair fixedly stared at the screen, an unbecoming grin sprawling across her face

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  • 王的韩娱 Sm Novel


    by 软软的金毛
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    “09年的时候,我回到韩国,在服兵役之前,和SM签订了一个合约。”   在尹执诧异地翻动手上那叠文件的同时,在一旁盘腿坐下来的韩宇也在为她耐心地进行说明。   “你也知道,少女时代这个组合里面有不少对我来说非常重要的人,那时候的我很不希望把她们的自由交到一群我根本不放心的家伙手里。于是,就有了你现在看到的这些协议。”   尹执抬抬眼皮子,若有若无地剜了韩宇一眼,“原来那九千万你用到了

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  • Fantastic Spider-Men Sm Novel

    Fantastic Spider-Men

    by NateDog9
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    Trying out new a new system [WADE WILSON (DP), MILES MORALES (SM2), TASKMASTER (TM), MIGUEL O'HARA (SM3), Memories of dead PETER PARKER (SM4), NEW PETER PARKER (SM), Mary Jane Watson (MJ)] [SM2] Migu

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  • Bd/sm Sm Novel


    by Sodiq_Adeshina_6896
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • The Biggest Cover Up Sm Novel

    The Biggest Cover Up

    by Pasta_kookie_97
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    *YG EnT * "Girls let's go faster or Yg will be angry"said the manager. "Ne oppa!"Jisoo said. They all went to the lift to go meet Yg at his office in a hurry. After they arrive at the 7th floor the

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    by nrrf
    (Not enough ratings)

    Maaf. Bukannya saya taknak buat sinopsis. Cuma Saya malas nak buat sinopsis.

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  • tidak sesederhana tampilannya Sm Novel

    tidak sesederhana tampilannya

    by bdhdhrh
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    sm bapak sekalian cerita ttg masalahnya... ktnya dia ada di bwh di dpan rumah tp malu masuk kedlm krn lg banyak tamu.. lalu sy pun turun ke bwh menjemputnya diluar untuk masuk ke dalam rmh menemui bap

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  • Nana to Kaito Sm Novel

    Nana to Kaito

    by supremedreams_1
    (Not enough ratings)

    Kaito is a 17-year-old virgin who has an SM fetish. He secretly dreams about an SM relationship with his childhood friend Nana. One day kaito’s mom asks Nana to hide all his SM toys so he'll study for

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  • 偶像至上 Sm Novel


    by 骚年不在
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    又是一阵无止境的吹捧,不过,这也造成了又一波的专辑销量递增。   韩国国民是虚势的,圈子的狭小造成了他们对荣誉的渴望。   无论是任何奖项,他们都会无限夸大,更何况这是美国的音乐奖项。   在他们的意识里,那是绝对临驾于国内各大奖项之上的。   而方言的这个奖项出现,宛若戳中了他们的心窝一样。一时之间,网络上喧声四起,媒体也是极力推崇。更多的人都选择性地忘记方言的真实身份,参与欢呼

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  • 韩娱之终极幻想 Sm Novel


    by 太阳拥抱月亮
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    sm公司就连开化妆品的事业都要进行掺和,使得原本就是勉勉强强的收入更是如风雨飘摇一般。几人和公司谈判总是以失败告终,那些高层丝毫不把他们当作一回事。   气愤啊!对于sm公司,真的是又爱又恨!什么家族的氛围,那是只存在于艺人阶层这一个圈子里的,在这里面,有他们相处了多年的朋友,有他们结识了许久的兄弟姐妹,这近乎一家人的情感,不是说放就放得下的。但是对sm的恨!那些高层的商人们!对东方神起完全是不

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  • 重生娱乐之巅 Sm Novel


    by 若忘书
    (Not enough ratings)

    “你这个丫头啊,是不是现在也想快些出道?”看着郑秀妍这欲言又止的样子,刘安然好笑的问道。   郑秀妍点了点头又摇了摇头,“其实也不是我想要尽快出道,而是我觉得公司在女团的推出上,不是很热衷。”   “你啊,现在所要关心的并不是你们公司会怎么做,而是应该去关心你的唱功,你的舞台表演能力。”刘安然将身子靠进沙发里笑着说道。   “SM公司现在也算是在经历变革,李秀满估计用不了多久也该回来

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  • Dangerous Secret Star Sm Novel

    Dangerous Secret Star

    by waefleo
    (Not enough ratings)

    "We should take their picture." "I think we shouldn't. Because he's not actor neither idol." "I think that's useless if we take their picture because reporter probably already take their picture

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  • 足球之娱乐巨星 Sm Novel


    by 就叫小新
    (Not enough ratings)

    来韩国一个多月,林动从来没有出去逛过,他也没有这个心思,生活一直都是两点一线。   当然,没多少男人会喜欢逛街,如果不是因为实在没有衣服穿,或许,林动距离自己第一次出去逛街还不知道要等到什么时候。   弘大,韩国年轻人聚集之地,吃喝玩乐样样齐全,所以,林动的选择这里,当然其中最大的原因就是这里是因为距离他住的地方比较近,坐出租车十分钟都不用,而且来回车费更是连一万韩元都不到。   不

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  • 日娱小说家 Sm Novel


    by 选择原谅它
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    sm公司大楼也不到十分钟的路程。   叶萧再度见到sm公司社长金英敏。   背头,黑色风衣和羊绒衫,内里一件白色衬衫,整个人看起来倒是有几分斯文气,与一般的奸商不同。   寒暄过后,叶萧与sm公司的几位部门领导一同进入了一间舞蹈教室。   “目前,第四代女团企划已经进入最后的审查阶段,我们将从最后十名练习生里面挑选四位成立一个组合,名称叫做Red Velvet。”   “Red Velv

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  • 韩娱之星运 Sm Novel


    by 神人kana
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    看着SM公司前一大群举着牌子正在声讨自己的anti,徐珠哲感觉脑袋都有点麻。   虽然知道自己现在名声很臭,但竟然能够臭到这种境界,还是超出了徐珠哲的想象。   这尼玛完全比那些脑残粉还要猛烈好吗?这大白天的都能聚集这么多人在这,只是因为想见到我???大哥大姐们,你们不去上学吗?不去上班吗?喂喂喂,那个老奶奶你怎么在那里面啊,我知道!你一定是路过的路人对吧,就是嘛,那么大岁数的人怎么可

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  • The Adventure of a lost Soul Sm Novel

    The Adventure of a lost Soul

    by SithLord
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    This is a thought that I would like to try out immediately .... First I have to create a manifestation of my mind and my Sub-mind ..... hmmm how about a bubble with a smaller bubble in the inside. ...

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  • karena halangan org tua Sm Novel

    karena halangan org tua

    by Array_Reev_Raider
    (Not enough ratings)

    sm kamu?... cowox : mau ngomong apa syng cewek :tapi kmu jgn marah ya synk cowox : iya synk cewek :janji cowox :iya aq janji gx akan marah cewek: synk sblm nya aq minta maaf ya cowok :minta

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  • Andros Sphere Sm Novel

    Andros Sphere

    by Ventys
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    Machine by machine, room by room, it seemed to take hours or even days as I unpacked, organized and catalogued everything in every room of the USS Last Hope. When the last room was finally done the lo

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