
sleep tight poem novel

  • sleep tight poem

    Hold tight

    by Micheal_k
    (Not enough ratings)

    Calvin was in a dark place after his mother last away. His father was in a bad spot to but didn’t necessarily show it.

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  • sleep tight poem


    by kashikaaa__
    (Not enough ratings)

    poem and it was beautiful. I said: Oh, the comfort the inexpressible comfort of feelings safe with a person; Having neither to weigh thoughts nor Measure words, But to pour the

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  • sleep tight poem

    The boy who took the bait

    by Raen1536
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    sleep." "You're seventeen years old get over yourself." He tugged me up then made me lay on top of him. "I hate you." He was already asleep but holding me really tight. I woke up at five thirty in the

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  • sleep tight poem

    Forbidden Desires

    by forlornshadows
    4.51 (18 ratings)

    poem.” “He is will be a perfect distraction!” “That’s all it’ll be… even if it is something…” “Stop it! Nilly Willy wants you. Babe I would want that prime piece myself if I could have it!

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  • sleep tight poem

    The Soul Eater's Possession

    by MysticAmy
    4.9 (48 ratings)

    tight line as she was pulled in her own thoughts.  Levin and Ava had started becoming close since she swore her allegiance to the angels despite their differences. Other than being Love's Overseer

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  • sleep tight poem


    by victorines
    4.7 (36 ratings)

    poem to his classmates and to Ma'am Rhea Azuela was discomforting him from his good night's slumber to his recent condition. "The weird guy from yesterday was not you, Salvatore. I repeat. It wasn

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  • sleep tight poem

    The Unwanted World

    by nickson_j
    (Not enough ratings)

    sleep last night, I then soon after feel the weight of the world upon me. I laid back to my seat, closing my eyes in depths of falling asleep. "Owie? What's this?" "Oh my God! What's that?! Is

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  • sleep tight poem


    by shadow_princess
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    poem, which is all because your stupidity!!" "Oof. Olivia look.." "I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you." Two hours back: And when the west becomes orange, You shall know, That one

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  • tight. I feel the fears of my Papa while embracing me. I am out of breath. I am suffocating from the terror and the uncertainty. " Let's go, Papa... We have to go.." I begged him.

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  • sleep tight poem

    Yours, Ours, Us

    by Empress_Innocent
    3.2 (17 ratings)

    poem. She had to choose the correct dress and the poem was the hint. There was 3 dresses that appeared in front of her, a red wedding dress, a royal gold dress, and a black tight dress. The poem state

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