
reddit horror novel

  • reddit horror

    Stories I Found on Reddit

    by WannaBeAuthorHaru
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    The stories I will upload isn't mine. This will consist of the stories I found on Youtube or in Reddit. I'm making this so that I will be able to archive the stories and at the same time read it in W

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  • reddit horror

    Two Sentence Horror Stories

    by BenjiG
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    A series of two sentence horror stories all written by BenjiG. You can also see these on Reddit under Abared

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  • reddit horror

    The Heroine Of Azalea

    by MimiAli_16
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    horror movies and reading horror themed books. She has a YouTube channel based around horror and history in which she uploads her adventures exploring buildings with frequent paranormal activities.

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  • reddit horror

    Forest horro story

    by Sajjad_Jutt
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    horror tales in the English language. Some have monsters and blood. Some have floating ghosts. Some are just about the darkness inside people. All are scary and fun to read! If you're a lover

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  • reddit horror

    aden's story: GUN GAL ONLINE

    by aden_entertainment
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    Raised by hate and anger Fueled with nation's pride The time of change is coming When the old beliefs have died Make your choice enlightened You can't trust the lies Don't choose their side of h

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  • reddit horror


    by Spoopy
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    reddit posts. "Haha that guys a idiot" Phillip giggled as he saw a person painfully get nutshotted while attempting to do a backflip in the air. But immediately got angry as he lost signal on his p

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  • reddit horror

    BORDER: Science V Sorcery

    by Nameless_Toast
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    horror. The ocean poisoned and forest burned. They called themselves Nexus, they claim themselves to be the chain that will keep humanity bind together, united as one. The Nexus killed millions, de

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  • reddit horror

    Don’t you remember

    by animegirl1111
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    horror and realize someone is in my house and I feel breathing down my neck and I turn around and The lady was standing above me here eyes were popping out of her skull her hair in a rats nest and her

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  • reddit horror


    by TheLostWonderer
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    I started getting bored with chaos magick, well not bored so much as getting used to it. I need constant change otherwise I get bored. I need puzzles, I need adventure, I need.... superpowers? I de

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  • reddit horror


    by 昭灵驷玉
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    果不其然,不到一个小时就已经谈妥了B轮融资,接下来便是签约仪式。   当地时间傍晚,B轮融资的签约仪式在数家北美主流媒体的见证之下完成了签署,罗晟与一众投资者完成合影,并向媒体公开披露。   此次B轮融资,蓝星科技投前估值29.25亿美元,融资后估值32.5亿美元(¥270亿元),出让公司10%的股权融资3.25亿美元(¥27亿元)。   罗晟当天就在华尔街出名了,到了第二天《华尔街

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