
overlord 12

  • overlord 12

    Overlord: The Untold Tale

    by RKD_RR
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    12-year run, the game servers of a popular DMMO-RPG called YGGDRASIL are about to be shut down. In the last few moments of the game, a player by the name of Ulbert Alain Odle decided to stay logged in

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  • overlord 12

    Sector 12

    by Neopunk_Chromax
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    Born during a time of despair and trained as a killer, Zense is the oldest and deadliest biological weapon that the government has. Sent on a final mission at the age of twenty-four, Zense has one la

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  • overlord 12

    Petualangan sang Legendary Commando

    by Dante_Uchiha
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    12 sedang bersiap, berjalan dengan santai sambil berbicara masalah masuk ke wilayag penyusupan. "Jadi berapa lama Team untuk bersiap?" tanya sang pilot, "Persiapan? sekitar 30 detik." kata Hazashi sam

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  • overlord 12

    realms and things not a story just a list of cultivation realms and things

    by Astrononiath
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    12 stages and stages 1-3 being called low 4-6 mid 7-9 high and 10-12 peak. Purifying realm  Tempering realm Energy sensing realm Energy gathering realm Energy formation realm Energy condensi

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  • overlord 12


    by Ninjacya321
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    12 Demonic Village] [Vanquished Town]. Gears turned and a dull vibrant yellow flashed by Nemesis' eyes. Soon his right emerald green eye altered its shape, like jelly being churned about until it t

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  • overlord 12

    Overlord Empress

    by Satya2020
    4.59 (96 ratings)

    overlord asked her to sit in a cross legged position while he did the same across her. " This tree is called world parasol tree, it is one of its kind. It helps one calm their mind and rid them of

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  • overlord 12

    Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

    by Kennny7
    4.66 (36 ratings)

    12 Overlord Slashes: 1st slash'(Rex) Rex slashed his sword towards the monkey's abdomen although there was slight resistance but the sword pass through its body.. blood spurted out and the dead bod

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  • overlord 12

    The Undead Hokage

    by Xshamee
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    12 and spoke "Y-yes this is what it feels when someone awaken their chakra just not to this degree" "Hmm. So sensei what will I do next" Kuro began contemplating for quite a bit then said "You coul

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  • overlord 12

    The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup

    by Elyon
    4.97 (32 ratings)

    12. Shiksha Jerath: @Sleepteddy truthfully, the only thing I want to do at night is watch dramas or read a novel and then sleep at around 1am. Sleepteddy: My mum just said one day, "Wash your cl

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  • overlord 12

    Space Janitor Bop (J.P. Japhet)

    by JPJaphet
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    12 races of different aliens hostage. No, he didn't send his armies to conquer them one by one. No, he also didn't use his unlimited amassed fortune to buy them. No... he became their ruler and ine

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