
new hardback fiction books

  • new hardback fiction books


    by UnrestedShadow
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    books. They have somewhat the same history, but are in exile and isolated from the world. John grew up enjoying Star Wars. He wasn’t a huge fan, but it was definitely his favorite science fiction. He

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  • new hardback fiction books

    Reverend Insanity: New Beginning

    by Chubalub
    4.39 (34 ratings)

    fiction and I don't own anything from the original book and I also don't own the cover all that belongs to their rightful owners. I had decided to write as I have not seen any out there and as this be

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  • new hardback fiction books

    In another world, Books love me

    by Slowbie
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    A new chapter in a man's new world! The books I've loved are now my lifeline!

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  • new hardback fiction books


    by tip555
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    new walls, stairs, and wiring. However, they had kept the worn wood floors and it still had a cool, well-used and comfortable feel to it. She walked over to the front counter where the librarian, M

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  • new hardback fiction books

    New World New Life

    by ValestriaMoon
    4.82 (26 ratings)

    new clothes, she stepped out of the changing room and Carole brought her a full-length mirror to have a look. "So, what do you think?" For the first time, Vy looked at herself in the mirror. Th

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  • new hardback fiction books

    Her Stone Cold Heart (The New Book)

    by 9trinity9white9
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    fiction. Names, characters, places, scenes, incidents and the plot itself either are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, or locales is ent

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  • new hardback fiction books

    A Race to Melt Hearts (by Ahce Darato Torres)

    by sepaiminaaa
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    fiction. Names, characters, places, scenes, incidents and the plot itself either are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, or locales is ent

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  • new hardback fiction books

    A Race To Melt Hearts (The New Book)

    by 9trinity9white9
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    fiction. Names, characters, places, scenes, incidents and the plot itself either are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, or locales is ent

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  • new hardback fiction books

    Wicked - The Forbidden Love (The New Book)

    by 9trinity9white9
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    fiction. Names, characters, places, scenes, incidents and the plot itself either are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, or locales is ent

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  • new hardback fiction books

    The Curse Of A Stranger's Gift

    by Nyx_Chris_Devoine
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    fiction. "Love is a common mistake, we, ladies make. We let ourselves be captured, be vulnerable, and be crazy. Expecting that men would do the same." She read those lines thrice in her head and wh

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