
new and used books

  • new and used books

    Books and Monsters

    by SkylarClawthorne
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • new and used books

    Stories of Progeny, traveling through worlds

    by MrMerlin
    4.11 (93 ratings)

    and even postponed my experiment with using books from library in case upgrade can give some bonuses, but … 〖Remarkable Comprehension 1/3 (30)〗 I needed level 30 to upgrade it and not 25. Damn it al

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  • new and used books

    Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief

    by Brocade Star of Love
    4.46 (2265 ratings)

    and arranged for the boys in her class to carry the books and distributed them to the students. It used to be the Class Monitor's responsibility. But the Class Monitor seemed to have caught a cold an

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  • new and used books

    Remember The Name

    by 황금하르방
    4.25 (24 ratings)

    new semester turned into a ruckus after a few days, which had then turned into chaos in the span of the first month. That is to say, nothing had changed at all during this entire month. Being in charg

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  • new and used books

    Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal

    by wen_lin
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    and golden eyes. This was the man who ruled over an entire realm. Yet for some reason, she was unable to really kowtow to him. She didn't even kowtow to the Jade Emperor, and only used basic honorific

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    A scientist who reincarnated in a magical world!

    by thunder15
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    and hard work. Elisa, is that you? Harry asked with emotion in his voice, it was very good to hear a voice known in this unknown world, even if it was only artificial intelligence. Yes, Dr. Harr

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  • new and used books

    Rise of House Falken - Harry Potter Fan Fiction

    by Zaje1
    4.59 (187 ratings)

    and had many beautiful sites and beaches. I decided the best way to travel for me without any complicated process was flying using my animagus which would be a fun flight too. So next week a falcon to

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  • new and used books

    Reaper of the Martial World

    by Awespec
    4.37 (194 ratings)

    books Libro helped him get. Although Dyon's memory was never photographic, he was still proud of it. If he, at any point, understood a topic, it would be unlikely that he would forget it. But, this wa

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  • new and used books

    The Power Of Command Block ( Remake )

    by Thehiber
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    and people from outside could buy the clan products. "Potions...Weapon...Clothes...Pet...Seem like they sell almost everything here" Sun Zhen walked pass stores, some of the store owners came o

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  • new and used books

    Bank of the Universe

    by Girl Wears Short Skirt
    3.98 (248 ratings)

    books! Many of the books gave birth to their own consciousness. They had their own hands, legs, and features and could speak. When they spoke to one another, they seemed really polite and knowledgeab

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