
new adults books

  • new adults books

    Apocalypse : The New Reality

    by Phantom_DX
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    adults are gone. No one above the age of 20 can be seen on the face of earth. What would you do....? . . . . . Oh and there various magical creatures and zombies lurking on the streets. . . . . And y

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  • new adults books

    Skin books

    by chimdiuto_ohanele
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    new love for writing horror stories unknown to her that her new love is simply the possesion from a strange entity. It wants something dangerous from her.It's freedom

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  • new adults books

    Books Bind

    by YukinamonRoll
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    new home. She gets ready for all the new adventures she would experience, with her soon lifelong friends.

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  • new adults books

    In another world, Books love me

    by Slowbie
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    A new chapter in a man's new world! The books I've loved are now my lifeline!

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  • new adults books

    Reborn In Harry Potter

    by Chaos_Empyrean
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    books of history of the Wizarding world. Honestly, Ron had never had to focus on his Occlumency so hard, just to keep in his laughter, ``I can't believe you would have these books just laying around y

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  • new adults books

    The Supreme King System

    by EternalKingOfAll
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    adults stay outside and forward for their generation to receive own kind of the grimoire book. Some of girl's same age 16 years old, quick notice Jay'Den's handsome face with gold eyes, and white h

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  • new adults books

    Jack of Arts

    by Intayaw_din_Dagem
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    books, I have heard of Janus, he's one of Ouigab's prides after all. Is he releasing a new book, Mr. Lee?" Tayaw connected the dots. "Yes. I visited him today as he just finished his manuscript. You

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  • new adults books


    by MYSTC4TH
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    new day arrives. Before Arty closed her eyes and surrendered into slumber, she thought to herself that she might be able to think clearly by the next day and start making plans and decisions over w

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  • new adults books

    Darker Magics

    by Goldenking
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    books became filled with the knowledge he had gained. Different sections for both muggle and magical books. A secluded section of the sewers became his spot for storing questionable memories. The diff

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  • new adults books

    Harry Potter and the OC [DROPPED]

    by Mikkoticus
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    books as friends, made me mature faster than usual, which made me even more isolated by the other orphans, causing me to retreat further into my books and created an unending cycle. Sadly having

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