
most rated books

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    5th Rated God

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    rated-actually, a less than worthless 4th rated god-wait, a 5th rated piece of garbage god that can assume the form of any animal is worshiped in a shabby little temple. It lived a life of a freedom a

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    Player X

    by Lonely_Writer
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    books, the system didn't give one. ' It must have been because of the skill books. ' Well, he couldn't blame the developers when the free skills that were given to him were already too much.

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    Warlock of the Magus World

    by The Plagiarist
    4.36 (634 ratings)

    most of their rewards are transferred to other new guilds.” “So, what you wanted to ask me concerns this rating!” Leylin pondered while looking at Celine. “Yes, my lord!” Celine bit her lips.

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    Dragon Heart. Land of Demons. LitRPG Wuxia Saga. Book 7

    by Kirill_Klevanski
    4.68 (Not enough ratings)

    rated Wuxia LitRPG novels in Russia. The author has been writing the story for only two and a half years, however, it already has 1400 chapters spanning 15 books. The whole story is planned out and

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    Endless Dungeon

    by Phil_Bob
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    books on them, a big table in the middle and a counter in the back. Behind the counter set a man just a little older then me but with a look in his eyes as if he seen enough suffering to last him a

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    and the Mirror Of Paradox by Yih

    by hhfjbv
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    most potential mediwizards tended to fail it the first time around. Not knowing how to response, they'd gone default. Not many passed, and those that did- none of them could remember a more brill

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    Memory 3

    by Indespair
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    books that are rated four, 49 books that are rated five and lastly 2 of them are rated eight. So now it involves Math! So firstly, his progress is at 39% and currently at Level-Five. First,

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    Simply Trading

    by Mournblade
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    books, so that he could listen to what Chen Xing had to share with him, as they walked along aisle that led through the same. "Well, this place is called the Hidden Scripture Library because of an

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    Muchuan and Xiang Wan

    by Si Jin
    4.67 (1038 ratings)

    rated content. This was the first time that Xiang Wan encountered such a matter as an author all these years. Locked for rated content? Her female and male lead in "Murder The Dream Guy" had not eve

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    Pitch Black

    by Riviz
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    books containing the combat techniques used by famous people in the past, this can only give a general understanding of what a combat technique should look like, even then this tends to lead young gua

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