
loz 3ds games

  • loz 3ds games

    Hero's Spirit {LoZ Fan Fic}

    by Chubby_Unicorn
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    Family slaughtered when he was just a child; Link was raised by the unlikeliest of people. Lord Ganondorf vowed to treat Link as his own. However, there is a darkness spreading like a plague throughou

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  • loz 3ds games

    Journey to greatness a pokemon fanfic

    by theking13
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    3ds , of course he had his try hard team clearing house . as he's about to win we hear the sounds of jets in the background(of course our mc doesn't look) but as he select's his umbreon's move dark pu

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  • loz 3ds games

    Pokemon: Legend of the Cyber Trainer

    by TrueRisingFTW
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    games. He grew up in a decently wealthy household, growing up and being taken care of by his uncle. He didn't know who his parents were, nor what they even looked like, though that never really bothe

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  • loz 3ds games


    by 子非鱼远
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    任天堂有什么IP呢?简直太多了,随便想一想,就能列举出好多来。   超级马里奥系列,塞尔达系列,口袋妖怪系列,银河战士系列,任天堂全明星大乱斗系列,动物之森,异度之刃,火焰纹章,喷射战士,大金刚,路易鬼屋……   而且,光马里奥这一个品牌,孵化出的其他游戏,比如马里奥赛车、马里奥制造、超级马里奥聚会等等……竟然也都是千万销量的大作!   千万销量是什么概念呢?就拿苏文前世的游戏市场来

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  • loz 3ds games


    by 无聊的钢镚
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      接下来的七八个小时,宫本浩一将自己全身心地投入到了这款游戏里面去。   虽然已经在3DS游戏机上玩过这款游戏,但是PC版本和原版还是有了很大的不同。   无论是紧张又带着恐怖色彩的探秘过程,还是快节奏的战斗场面,都比原版高出了不止一筹,这让宫本浩一大呼过瘾。   一直到晚上十点多,宫本浩一被咕咕叫的肚子吵得受不了,才退出游戏,从冰箱里随便找了点食物对付了一顿。   填饱肚子,浩一回到电

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  • loz 3ds games

    EL Mundo del Río

    by jose_angel
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    loz titántropoz, como noz llama Zam. Teníamoz zilindroz, zolo que mucho mayorez que loz vueztroz, como puedez ver. Y no teníamoz cerveza ni whizky. No conocíamoz el alcohol, azi que no lo recibíamoz e

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  • loz 3ds games

    Pokemon In Cultivation World

    by RichBoyWinston
    4.66 (16 ratings)

    games I have played is here?" He was pleasantly surprised. This option doesn't exist in Pokemon, You simply selected Boy or Girl, Your name, Your rival name and that's it. "Hmmm... Who I will choos

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  • loz 3ds games

    Life Partner Pokemon (Focus Version)

    by OmegaLucario
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    3ds in a confined space. "Loki, go change your clothes and help me take care of the stove since I am going to do an errand." said the unknown female voice. "Alright, I am changing. Wow a shiny e

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  • loz 3ds games


    by 隆基努斯
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      3DS已砸!!!   咳咳。   你们信么?

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  • loz 3ds games


    by 三月一
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    3ds游戏……   孟获玩了半个小时,神色慢慢变的喜悦起来。   “这个掌机叫什么?”   “win,它叫win,是现在最普遍的掌机。”一个画师回答:“因为很便宜,现在很多人都会买一台玩。”   win,这个掌机是一个开放的游戏平台,里面的软件和游戏可以由第三方公司制作。一眼看去就和智能手机差不多,有自己的游戏商店,能够付费下载游戏。而且它价格低、携带方便,普及率非常高,华夏最火热的掌机就

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