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    Reborn As Harry Potter

    by Profound1
    3.41 (45 ratings)

    books ever: the Harry Potter Series. There were two reasons for his annoyance with the series. One: our MC was also named Harry Potter and he was greatly teased by it. Two: the main characters in th

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    Another Universe-a Harry Potter fanfic

    by Olivia_Kuhlber
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    books to guide her along life in the wizarding world.??‍♂️??‍♀️

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    Hadrian Potter x Library Of Heavens Path

    by Unmatched
    4.54 (40 ratings)

    books for.." "I don't need children's books!" Harry snapped slightly irked by Matthews comment. Matthew stared wide eyed for a bit "oookaaay, kids these days, what are you going to do? Watch tv all da

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    Dark Lord Dumbledore

    by Chado_Sama
    4.87 (98 ratings)

    books. He was curious about how she amassed over 400,000 pounds, but it's not hard to make money with magic and half a brain. The Potter vault was a bit more interesting. When Potter Manor was dest

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    Reincarnation by itachi

    by dekumightnomd
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    free. Dudley immediately began to panic. He nearly fell into the enclosure, but Leon, with Pier's help, managed to stop that. Finishing his conversation with the snake had distracted Harry, but now

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    Overbearing God(Failed)(Can be adopted or remade))

    by Chroniclemale
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    books there. He thought he still didn't test the library yet so he put his hand on the book and focused on scanning the book. There were some more books of owl care and familiars in the shop and he

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    Amalgum – Lockhart's Folly

    by JJBatsBoogey56
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    books into two piles to represent two sessions of the class," Lockhart said. The two-week review had turned into a three-week remedial course. Heavy on practical work in the class, and just as heavy o

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    by Miteshkumarbag
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    books in the ROOM OF REQUIREMENT , use them well and be yourself because You are the best " With that He disappeared and I was unable to belive if it's a dream or reality . " USER'S MAGICAL CORE IS

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    Reincarnated in the Harry Potter AU with 5 Wishes

    by Arpad
    3.2 (45 ratings)

    books, and the clothes that I got. The books are worn and it can be seen that they were bought in a used books shop, and the clothes are Dudley's castoffs but in a little better condition. Well, what

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    Harry Potter and what not

    by Checkup007
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    free man again. Let's continue with the next accused Death Eater… ------------------------------------- Potter Cottage, 22/12/1981 At the front door of the House where the Potters since the B

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