
harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Harry Potter and the Phoenix

    by firechicken
    4.92 (21 ratings)

    On the day Voldemort attacked the Potter family, Harry unlocked the power the Dark Lord knows not. Lily's sacrifice of her own life grabbed the attention of a powerful being, which took interest in th

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Harry Potter and The Dark Phoenix [Rewrite in Progress]

    by Beynn
    4.71 (17 ratings)

    and hatred, Harry swears to take revenge on every single death eater and especially on Voldemort himself. Receiving power from unexpected sources, Harry sets out on his mission to bring the dark lord

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Call me by your name and i’ll Call you by mine

    by Mo_on_light_
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    and a professor. During her childhood, she was the daughter of Harold and Rose Evans, the twin sister of Isobel Evans, and the younger sister of Petunia Evans; she was then labeled to be the Golden

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book


    by G_Ggg
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    and Charlie were sat in the living room awaiting the arrival of Amelia Bones. They didn't have long to wait as Maddy announced Amelia's arrival as well as two auror's that accompanied her. They all gr

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Author Achievement

    by GrandmasterYu
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    and very long books in your lifetime. And you've probably wondered how long some of your favourite stories are. But because time sometimes slows down or speeds up when we're engrossed in a good story,

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

    by Teraten
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    and silver numerals, the jerking motion. Muggles had invented that, and until they had, wizards had not bothered keeping time. Bells, timed by a sanded hourglass, had served Hogwarts for its classes w

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Draco Malfoy, The Champion of the Magical World

    by Splendora_Gaming
    4.7 (31 ratings)

    and had to reboot. Options attached to users soul were deemed to be incompatible with users current world and had to be purged. ------ The soul had been alone, thinking it was in an empty abyss unti

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    and the Mirror Of Paradox by Yih

    by hhfjbv
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    and the other professors certainly could help. The real reason was that the only known person that had the ability to speak parseltongue was Harry. It only made logical sense to Fudge's miniscule

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Will Unparalleled

    by _MASTER_
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    and contemplated about what butler ye chen said. Apparently this continent was called as pole continent. yes, pole continent. This continent had 9 provinces with each divided into 3 regions. Each regi

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  • harry potter and the order of the phoenix book

    Shaping the Future by CharmedArtist

    by hhfjbv
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    and that he was also definitely dead. Conjuring a large wooden box, Harry deposited the bodies of Voldemort and his snake within and cast several protective charms on it, ignoring the outcries of the

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