
god created life on earth

  • god created life on earth

    Refiner God master

    by rakshakk
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    earth who is known as trash due to no background, fame, money, but the same person can be heavenly genius if he is born on a planet with spirit energy. SO our mc is this person. He has great respect

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  • god created life on earth

    Rejecting the Heavens

    by Divine_Suppression
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    created countless years ago. Life evolved on earth millions of years ago. Humans appeared on earth and created many religions, from smaller ones comprising of hundreds of people to larger ones compris

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  • god created life on earth

    The True Tale of Creation (Islam)

    by Mr1Bush
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    life and the first being to be created was Jibril the Archangel with light (Noor), The Archangel has six hundred wings and is so huge that a bird would take 7 hundred years just to travel from his e

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  • god created life on earth

    Holy Bible

    by Jesus_is_Lord
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    created the heavens and the earth The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let th

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  • god created life on earth


    by Aditya_Raj_0823
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    created her, so I suppose I can count as such. "From now on your name will be Xylene, Goddess Of Earth And Wood." After hearing that she gave me a very bright smile, and once again gave a polite

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  • god created life on earth

    The Bible (NIV)

    by Polar_blue
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    created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there

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  • god created life on earth

    Sent To Another World, For Another's Novel

    by WhenEverIWantTo
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    created by Symbol Cores or above. - Allows the use of tier 10 spells. - Average lifespan to around 10,000 years for humans. - The border between mortals and Immortals. <God Realm> Cor

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  • god created life on earth

    The Holy Bible

    by TheHolyBible
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    created heaven, and earth. 2 And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. 3 And God said: Be light made. And light wa

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  • god created life on earth

    The God Abandoned and Sealed in a Eel

    by Will00
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    god of Darkness, the goddess of life, and the goddess of death. Finally the gods of the elements the god of fire, the goddess of Earth, the god of metal, the goddess of water, and the god of wind, Th

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  • god created life on earth


    by Sydney_Trudeau
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    created the Heavens and the Earth. He created all the animals in the sea, in the sky, and on the land. He created a man and a woman and named them Adam and Eve. He created them in the Garden of Eden,

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