
focus novel

  • focus

    Naruto: Focus

    by DaoistRWFfUn
    (Not enough ratings)

    Something appears in front of Naruto one day and changes his life. *Disclaimer. I don't own the story or the image. All of that belongs to the respective owners. May God bless them for their creation

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  • focus

    Focus on me.

    by petao
    (Not enough ratings)

    Two dancers meet and fall in love in a futuristic city. The war though that is about to start makes them wonder if survival can be achieved. The world has come to end and humanity wishes for the idea

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  • focus

    Master of All

    by TedJamesIII
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    Focuses are the power wielded by the minds of mages across the world. Enhancers, mages using Focus to augment physical attacks; Projectors, mages using Focus as a projectile to attack from afar; and C

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  • focus

    Intruding Touch Me Not

    by MissMaica
    (Not enough ratings)

    focus on Crisostomo. He is a beautiful view. And then my eyes widened when Elias went to him. Are they close? As far as I remember, he is jealous of Elias. Or I am just assuming it? I tried my b

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  • focus


    by Zaia_Nightwalker
    (Not enough ratings)

    focus on close range abilities, you will still use elemental powers but there will be a difference." "Some spells are not aligned by elemental abilities and it also depends on what you want to focu

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  • focus

    Badge in Azure

    by Deathstate
    4.2 (167 ratings)

    focus, and yet he only dared to control puppets at most. Using it to attack an enemy would be the same as betting with his life. The magic beast had been fatally injured in its brain and could not ca

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  • focus

    The Legendary Actor

    by Shallowman
    4.85 (63 ratings)

    focus of the film industry must face all the difficulties and risks, for their own benefit, the publicity efforts will naturally give the highest treatment; but the crew will share part of the risk, t

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  • focus

    Revolution System

    by Domar
    3.97 (103 ratings)

    "Well, let's try it out.", Jim had decided to fully investigate, even if it turned out to just be a complex hallucination. "Appraise." The moment he said this, a feeling came over him, he instincti

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  • focus

    Monster Integration

    by AnWan
    3.9 (1201 ratings)

    focus solely on the circulation of Supreme Combat Exercise and nothing else, hypnotizing myself to do one thing, and one thing only is really difficult, and if not for current desperate conditions, I

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  • focus

    Lumia: Other World

    by Mel_Aniv
    5 (57 ratings)

    focus aptitude test and finish this exam", Kael said. He held his form and happily looking at it. He exits the gate then heard loud banging sounds in the combat testing grounds, he then thoug

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