
fictional writers

  • fictional writers

    Writers' Wish

    by Kaye_Meyer
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  • fictional writers

    Black Market Merchant

    by KyleSullivanJr
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    fictional purposes. The writers intentions do not reflect any of what the real world locations or people feel or say.~

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  • fictional writers


    by Shyni_Skaria
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    fictional device, it is also an archetypal tale – a quest, fraught with danger. Christian's pilgrimage takes him through the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair and the Delectable Mountains in a succession

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  • fictional writers

    Death: A Biography

    by vaitkevi0
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    writers I wrangled friends and relatives into giving me feedback. One, a millennial snowflake, was invaluable. They seemed to consider this fantasy nightmare I had created, to be some sort of manifest

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  • fictional writers

    She Bit Me: Webnovelist To Vampire

    by WangShu
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    fictional encounter with Kristen Stewart, the star of the Twilight Saga. Bella was 25 at the time, 5'5" tall, honey-blonde hair; although in the film her hair was always shown black. Bella is very

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  • fictional writers

    There Is Sweetness Within Bitterness, That Is Happiness

    by SilentWitch
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    fictional. You are real. Remember. You are the bravest and most incredible person there is. To me, you are the best." My mother said as she began playing with my cheeks. When I was ten, I asked my

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  • fictional writers


    by runemcgrey
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    fictional fantasies created by the writers. I found another escape from reality and indulged in reading. My feelings from my own troubles in life had made me feel so empty that only through laughte

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  • fictional writers


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    writers imagination. Any resemblance from this book to reality is just a coincidence, or it is used fictional with no intention to harm anyone. GETTING TO KNOW THE MAIN CHARACTERS: NICO BETTENC

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  • fictional writers

    Unexpected twist

    by Raven605
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    fictional writers, romance, magical realism and many more in that line as her favourite of the lot. Even though she read outside of these categories with enthusiasm too, she found these to be the best

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  • fictional writers

    How Far Will This Go

    by NON9
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    writers had to create a fictional piece of work based on a theme. Staring at his front he could still see the plastic award he received that year, more than two years ago. Since graduating he had slo

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