
fiction text examples

  • fiction text examples

    TEXT(A vmin fan-fiction)

    by Vmin_forever
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    Everything starts with a text......

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  • fiction text examples

    The text

    by MelonUnicorn
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  • fiction text examples

    The Rough Diamond King

    by kingly_sword
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    fiction while others were non-fiction, historical or educative. There were even those that Chege could understand the words but not the context. Yet these were the readable ones. Over time, some had d

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  • fiction text examples

    Thoughts on writing stories

    by Gourmet_DAO
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    text form or good content? Bestsellers are those works that combine good text and good content. I am the author myself. But not a professional writer, but a techie. I don't know much about composit

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  • fiction text examples

    Paradise City: Dark Side of the Moon

    by Shorgoth
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    fiction contains forms of hate speech and bigotry I do not nor will ever endorse such behaviors in any shape or form. This is a fiction taking place in a dystopia and the disgusting rhetoric is purely

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  • fiction text examples

    King of Humans

    by GCrimson
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    text in front of me, my mind unable to comprehend the fact the I died. I didn't expect it. I was young, I just graduated from college and I had many dreams I wanted to achieve, to have my own house,

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  • fiction text examples

    Beyond The Impossible

    by ffurla
    4.33 (27 ratings)

    text. A single word repeated over and over again: Καταπορεύομαι. It's only the beginning. In less than a second, every single screen in Tokyo shows the same wall of text. The wall of text spreads eve

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  • fiction text examples

    Muchuan and Xiang Wan

    by Si Jin
    4.67 (1038 ratings)

    text. The office was very quiet, so the two of them had tacitly chosen to message each other. She exchanged glances with him while pursing her mouth and continued to text. Xiang Wan: "I noticed a p

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  • fiction text examples


    by URU
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    fiction about the mythical figures, rituals, medicine, natural history, and ethnic peoples of the ancient world. The Classic narrates episodes of 204 mythical figures, notably the gods Foremost, Fond

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  • fiction text examples

    What would you do? (Ideas and concepts)

    by Hatake_Shirou
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    examples of how it has been done well and the most important aspect of all. Why? ...... Avoid clichés The easiest way to avoid choosing a cliché animal summon is by using a search engine to se

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