
fantasy vampire books

  • fantasy vampire books

    Vampire in Fantasy England

    by Reku3708
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  • fantasy vampire books

    Love Like in Books

    by AvalonMystery
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    When a book-loving girl enters a fantasy world of magic, that is on the verge of destruction. what will she do?? Lead the kingdom to rise again or. . . become the reason for its fall!

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  • fantasy vampire books

    My Vampire System

    by JKSManga
    4.57 (512 ratings)

    fantasy stories and comics about all sorts of things. Before the whole war started, her father used to work as a writer, so her home was filled with books and stories and her favourite ones were alway

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  • fantasy vampire books

    Vampire in the Harry Potter World

    by dragonfang1917
    3.78 (76 ratings)

    books that were organized on shelves. The library itself was enormous and Kai felt that it was the place that gathered the most books he had ever seen in his life. Kai walked up to the counter and was

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  • fantasy vampire books

    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!

    by GreatSage_Master1
    4.29 (128 ratings)

    vampire was watching her fiercely and cautiously. "Who are you?" The vampire asked. His voice was charged with poison and hate. "You first." Shirone hid any emotion inside her body, something

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  • fantasy vampire books

    The Vampire Princess

    by Lila_4
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    fantasy books, but couldn't find any. As I passed the park on the way home, I saw a girl laying on the ground. I went to help her. "Hello, are you OK?" When I saw her neck, there were bite marks. Who

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  • fantasy vampire books

    She Bit Me: Webnovelist To Vampire

    by WangShu
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    fantasy, science fiction, contemporary suspense, political intrigue, romance, and even a little humor. If you like the stuff I'm posting here, you're likely to enjoy some of the other stuff too, nearl

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  • fantasy vampire books

    Fall In The World Of Myths

    by EJBonifacio1221
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    books that gives that description. "Ah so Your Highness is a Psychic Vampire". I said that surprised them. "Psychic Vampire, how nostalgic, so you did know Zero". The Queen said with a very gentle ton

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  • fantasy vampire books

    Twilight : Mysteries of Dusk Till Dawn

    by WHYT
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    fantasy somehow due to the vibes I got driving through the surroundings. Ray of sun appeared desperate to kiss each and every inch of the land on which the city of Forks stood. But the gigantic

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  • fantasy vampire books


    by Ridd
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    books were the answer to all questions, he claims from experience. The other solution is to seek Nulod. He is at the center of this all, and even if Kinn needs to face his fears, Nulod needs to be inq

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