
famous arthurs

  • famous arthurs

    Akashic: The Tome

    by Lasarus
    (Not enough ratings)

    Sister book to Akashic. This book is for a more indepth look at the different chapters of Arthurs Akashic Tome. Will also include any Idea sections for the main story here aswell as in the main boo

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  • famous arthurs

    Cincin Naga

    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.41 (756 ratings)

    Karena mereka telah membunuh Spirit Snake, Pohon Buah Abyssal menjadi dendam dan memusuhi mereka? Linley dan Bebe tidak bisa tidak saling pandang, tidak tahu harus berkata apa. "Haha." Bailey tertaw

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  • famous arthurs


    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.62 (33 ratings)

    Pokok Buah Abis berasa dendam terhadap mereka kerana mereka telah membunuh Ular Roh? Linley dan Bebe saling berpandangan. Kedua-duanya terkelu. "Haha." Bailey ketawa ketika berbicara. "Tetapi sudah

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  • famous arthurs

    Coiling Dragon

    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.64 (799 ratings)

    Because they had killed the Spirit Snake, the Abyssal Fruit Tree felt enmity towards them? Linley and Bebe couldn’t help but look at each other, not knowing what to say. “Haha.” Bailey laughed a

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  • famous arthurs

    Dragón enroscado

    by I Eat Tomatoes
    4.35 (22 ratings)

    Debido a que habían matado a la Serpiente Espiritual, ¿el Árbol de la Fruta Abisal sintió enemistad hacia ellos? Linley y Bebe no pudieron evitar mirarse el uno al otro, sin saber qué decir. —Jaja —

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  • famous arthurs


    by Lasarus
    4.46 (29 ratings)

    famous for kicking Cardin in the balls, and getting the nickname, Nutbreaker, an honour to meet you" she responded. "Please tell me that's not my actually nickname?" he pleaded, with a resigned ton

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  • famous arthurs

    Virtual Sword God!

    by JKSManga
    4.61 (84 ratings)

    famous is this guy exactly?" Novis asked. "Can't you see the views." Novis started counting the number of zeros at the end of the video, "6..7..8.. IT'S got over a hundred million views."

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  • famous arthurs

    The Four Kingdom War

    by Flame_Pandora
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    Everyone in Ashland has won their parts as they stand to stare at the battle of the main forces, Arthur clashing swords with Leon both worn out all soldiers dead around them the only thing everyone ca

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  • famous arthurs

    Knights & The Seven Deities

    by Marconegrao7
    (Not enough ratings)

    Arthur had woken up in a bed that was extremely comfortable, this cottage was in the middle of the world without time.  As he was coming to he saw Lilith in the kitchen area of the cottage and she tur

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  • famous arthurs

    Bringing My Power To New Worlds

    by ReincarnateTB
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    As the sun started Arthur got out of bed, looking to the left of him he noticed a woman. Although feeling a bit disorientated he looked around his apartment trying to figure out what happened the nigh

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