
chicago Novel

  • "The bride's nervous." Sophie laughed. "It's all right," old Sterling raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Dylan will deal with everything, and we're there too. Don't be nervous." Emma grinned and said

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  • A week had gone by after their talk. It was slow and unsteady for him. to pass the time he worked continuously to make sure that the work was done by the time she was woken up and after that, he would

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  • Be happy with sports Chicago Novel

    Be happy with sports

    by goodlion
    4.52 (307 ratings)

    So Jake's next days were a lot of training with trainer Davis, in which Jake increased his daily training to 45 km which was the maximum he could handle today, even so, he was very happy with the sati

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  • Hello, Heir Chicago Novel

    Hello, Heir

    by Young Master Yan
    4.38 (1004 ratings)

    Si Zhengting had never thought that Si Jingyu's voice would sound so pleasing. He gathered himself and attempted to make head and tail of what was being said, but all he heard was crackling and mumb

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  • Zata is the world's best dribble. In the predecessors Ronaldo and Messi, he is considered the world's best crack with Kaka. Robinho. The 24-year-old is from Sao Paulo Santos FC. His full c

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  • Strip That Down Chicago Novel

    Strip That Down

    by YolandaPmudita
    (Not enough ratings)

    Dia bukan pria baik, tapi keluarganya baik. Dia wanita baik, tapi keluarganya tidak baik. Serumit itu lahir di tengah keluarga pembunuh dengan bisnis gelap ya. Dan serumit itu ketika lahir di ke

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  • The day before the Chicago Dungeon opened in 2022, there was a protest and riot on a scale not seen before in American history. This is due to the suicide of a transgender teenager, ostensibly due to

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  • It's just a little red wine, I'll be fine Not like I wanna do this every night I've been good, don't I deserve it? I think I earned it, feels like it's worth it In my mind, mind Twisted reality

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  • Vampire Stories Chicago Novel

    Vampire Stories

    by eklavya_More
    (Not enough ratings)

    There is a boy his name is Steve and were gonna experience his life. So he's in high shool applied for application in harvard bachelors in M. B. B. S and ☺wants to become a neurosurgeon he lives in Ch

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  • The life I was handed Chicago Novel

    The life I was handed

    by jordan2shortz
    (Not enough ratings)

    *1 week later* Blade was outside practicing with Chicago while Maria was at work and her siblings were at school. Blade had a free period so she decided to go home with Chicago to practice on their c

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  • Death-Saint Chicago Novel


    by Yeron
    (Not enough ratings)

    After the downfall of the world's powers in the Imperial World Revolution, the nations that fell the hardest were: Russia, the United States of America, Japan, and most of European countries. Russia f

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  • Frankie & Francis Chicago Novel

    Frankie & Francis

    by Frankiemarie
    (Not enough ratings)

    ~Dangerous Woman~ FRANKIE POV Monday Morning... It was my first day as a second-grade teacher. I am filling in for a teacher who is on maternity leave. So this is only temporary. I hope not.

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  • The Gods of the New World Chicago Novel

    The Gods of the New World

    by WilliamSchwartz
    (Not enough ratings)

    While the Hunter's Guild had agreed to come to Chicago to vouchsafe the security of the protest only on the same day the protest was scheduled to take place, Jill Smith had made a point of confirming

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  • Found Me Chicago Novel

    Found Me

    by pretty_Girl
    (Not enough ratings)

    I'm Charlie Rhodes. I'm 17 years old and I'm half vampire and half werewolf. In other words or in simpler form, I'm indeed a hybrid. Well no one knows that except my family and my best  friend Chic

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  • Chicago 1990 Chicago Novel

    Chicago 1990

    by Tề Khả Hưu
    (Not enough ratings)

    Một chàng trai người Trung Quốc trong lúc mơ hồ không rõ nguyên nhân đã xuyên không vào thân thể của cậu bé Alexandre Tống, một cậu trai mười lăm tuổi, mồ côi, sống nhờ nhà dì tại Chicago. Hoàn cảnh

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  • Once In A Love ❤️ Light Chicago Novel

    Once In A Love ❤️ Light

    by SundayMoonlight14
    (Not enough ratings)

    My whole life was full of decision, I did nothing on my own without my parents knowing about it. It almost sounds like being a princess is the most horrible thing ever. But now Mom and Dad has equally

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  • Unpredicted Chicago Novel


    by Cliufatra
    (Not enough ratings)

    "All things in the world it just temporary. Nothing will last long. Same situation with me, today I'll be flying to Chicago alone and living with my grandfather. I've been 10 years live at Rus

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  • Love, Lust, & Lies Chicago Novel

    Love, Lust, & Lies

    by jaleamorris8
    (Not enough ratings)

    Kay'Leigh Banks Chicago, Illinois 2:34pm Ever heard of the saying, "Be careful of what you wish for?" My name is Kay'Leigh Banks and I am 18 years old. I live with my mother, Kimberley, in

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