
charles carroll

  • charles carroll

    Lord Charles Frost

    by Toto420254
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    After hundreds of years living a repetitive life, handling affairs of the kingdom of Vise and living quietly alone in a massive castle Lord Charles Frost the strongest in the whole 3 kingdoms decides

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  • charles carroll

    charles and Betty

    by Angelyna_Nath
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  • charles carroll

    Into Wonderland (A Mobile Legends Story)

    by YanatheBanana
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    2 little girls embark on a adventure to a strange but fun world of Wonderland! (Based on the novels of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking-Glass" by Lewis Carroll.) My OC's are also

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  • charles carroll

    The colour and smell of Autumn

    by Rae_Crystal
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    They say going away from home by yourself for studies is like turning a page in your life. So I guess I'm indeed turning a page in my life. Past few weeks were crazy but amazing. From a person who

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  • charles carroll

    The Legendary Mechanic

    by Qi Peijia
    4.5 (3923 ratings)

    A sharp green light flashed through Ames' eyes. She stared at Malekith and deliberately said, "What are you guys trying to do to my people again?" "Your Excellency Dragon Emperor, don't be so sensiti

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  • charles carroll

    Angel of Death

    by David_Tieku
    5 (11 ratings)

    The Vince Lombardi Service Area off the New Jersey Turnpike in Ridgefield, New Jersey, was always busy. It was the last rest stop before the highway became 1-95 again and crossed the George Washington

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  • charles carroll

    Walking dead fanfic

    by Megan_Sexton
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    *Trigger warnings: gore, strong language* It's been a couple months after I joined the medicine was all gone and people started getting sick. Sasha, Lizzy, Glen, even the doctor. Darrell, Mashone,

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  • charles carroll

    Pokemon: A new world, The Hero region.

    by Elizabeth_Dragon
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    Tyler had been walking for about and hour or two. All it's been is trees, and and acasional shrub. Tyler's luck had gone for the worst. She was expecting a plentiful amount of both bug and grass type

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  • charles carroll

    Juego de construcción de ciudades NPC

    by jose_angel
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    "¡Villancico! "Caroloupe" Un hombre delgado de mediana edad huye arrojando el arma que sostenía, y una mujer con lágrimas se acerca por detrás con todas sus fuerzas. "¡Papá, mamá!" Carol e

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  • charles carroll

    Erased Existence

    by OpmJc
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    Another three consecutive days has passed, yet rein is still not able to wake up properly, due to the training fatigues that he got from running everyday. "Cling, Cling, Cling. " small sliver be

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