
batman medieval armor

  • batman medieval armor

    An unfamiliar world, the start of an adventure?

    by DaygonHunter
    (Not enough ratings)

    What would you do if you woke up in a cave with fragmented memory next to a skeleton wearing medieval armor?

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  • batman medieval armor

    A Soldiers Regret

    by natlin1999
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    armor with you, OK?" "Like I'd say no to weapons and armor," she replied, a bit of cheer in her voice. "I'll let you take over R&D while they get the paperwork done," Xander said. "Remember you

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  • batman medieval armor

    Ben 10:unlimited crossover(Dropped)

    by Mickey_Mouse02
    (Not enough ratings)

    armor and holding a massive poleax. Smiling, the young villain charged. Lantern tried slowing him down by shooting him with the cannon on his creation's arm, but to no avail. The axe went right throug

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  • batman medieval armor

    Ben 10 : Unlimited

    by Copy_Ninja
    2.83 (18 ratings)

    medieval times, right? He'd like to stay in a castle." Activating the Omnitrix, he cycled through his aliens, noting that he had significantly fewer than before. Oh well, he thought, I'll make do w

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  • batman medieval armor

    Naruto's Chat Group (Naruto X Cultivation Chat Group)

    by EternalBliss4U
    4.65 (16 ratings)

    armor with a red cape; he was like knight from old ages with his mannerisms and style. He was strong and loved by everyone as he had very positive personality. Unlike many other heroes, Gilgamesh w

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  • batman medieval armor

    In the marvel/DC world with the absorbtion ability

    by pierreleloup
    3.95 (20 ratings)

    armor. Five minutes later, a new clean and dazzling Thor is here. We take the jet first and I pilot it. Stark plan to join us later. For the moment, he is still in his lab but he is faster so there is

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  • batman medieval armor

    Goku- The God of Destruction (On Hiatus)

    by Ravindra_Bisht
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    armor was modified so that it would be more durable, he wore black gi pants with black boots, his upper body protected by his saiyan armor and his arms covered in black sleeves that stopped at the elb

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  • batman medieval armor

    Reborn in DC (anti-hero)

    by Grey0814
    3.76 (26 ratings)

    armor with the cap and all. Then Gine also comes out, she was wearing the same type of armor but it was dark, with no helmet or cape and it was more feminine. " Who are they," Power Girl asks, bein

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  • batman medieval armor


    by Gray_stone3
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    armor and robes off, I was left with was a pair of long black pants and a white compression shirt. While feeling slightly naked with my robes or armor, I knew that they needed to go if I was gonna ble

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  • batman medieval armor

    The God of order in Dc

    by flowing_lightning
    (Not enough ratings)

    armor with a few golden accents with a big green cape. suddenly he opened his eyes and spoke in his hoarse voice " finally I have found you." //Back in A.R.G.U.S base in Gotham Batman

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