
aldnoah zero Novel

  • A failed immortal Aldnoah Zero Novel

    A failed immortal

    by Crimson_Elixir
    4.88 (12 ratings)

    A chapter should be released a bit late today, but l had to approach this first. I would like to know what worlds you guys want to pop up in the future. We're obviously going to go with most of the s

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  • A/N: A big shoutout to Aldnoah for supporting me! Thanks a lot. Either way, sorry for the inactivity yesterday. I was dead tired, my brain buzzed softly and I had to sleep early. I'll try to

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  • Transcending Paragon Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Transcending Paragon

    by Ineffable_Paragon
    4.36 (149 ratings)

    aldnoah zero or any sawano hiroyuki song) Within a coliseum in which spectator watches a battle never before seen in their eyes. The fight was like a dragon confronting a demon. They unsheathe t

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  • 次元大追逃 Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by 吾为妖孽
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    钟图注视了艾瑟依拉姆须臾,站起身,走到了她面前。   顿时,艾瑟依拉姆神情一变,身手敏捷地一把抓住钟图的手臂上前一欺,脚步顺势勾在钟图的脚踝后方,一转一推……   “怎么会!”艾瑟依拉姆看着并没有如她预想般与大地接触的钟图愕然道。   “你啊,果然很天真。”钟图轻笑,跟着身体陡然一扭,反手将艾瑟依拉姆擒拿下来,单手按着她的后颈,让艾瑟依拉姆失去了转折的自由。   “公主殿下!”埃德

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  • Zero zero Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Zero zero

    by Tatsumiincurso
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    This is not a novel

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  • Seth Arslan : Modern Spy Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Seth Arslan : Modern Spy

    by Ephixna_19
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    Di sebuah benua yang berada di utara, ada sebuah benua yang memiliki 4 musim. Benua itu memiliki dataran yang cukup luas yang dipenuhi dengan padang rumput, pegunungan, dan bukit. Benua itu memiliki

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  • 星际开发商 Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by 无言宅
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    莫白在全世界强制性播放的一席宣言引起了轩然大波,自冷战结束后,美帝一家独大。期间发生的多次战争都是大国欺负弱小的不对称战争。   但是这个沧溟国虽然刚成立,国土面积与人口也少的几乎可以忽略不计,但是却拥有莫名出现的超时代科技武器,更是独自歼灭的一整支美帝舰队。   更令许多国家心惊胆战的,是位于地球太空轨道上的庞然大物——昆仑要塞!   在美帝舰队即将取得胜利时,突然出现的太空要塞瞬

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  • Black Breaker Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Black Breaker

    by Erderein
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    Ketika manusia mampu melakukan sesuatu lebih dari batas kemampuannya, saat itulah batas dari kekuatan manusia hancur. Merekalah yang dinamakan Breaker. Meski begitu tidak semua manusia adalah Break

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  • THE LIGHT OF MEN Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by Kelbass
    (Not enough ratings)

    "Oh wow, you only realized it now?" Victor hears a familiar voice, Eddy on the other side. He however seemed nonchalant unlike Verda from their conversation, more passive than the others. It stood tal

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  • Mass Effect: The Gods of War Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Mass Effect: The Gods of War

    by ren2345
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    zero, the theory was then put into practice with an experimental ship that had both the slipspace engine and the warp core, both the FTL engines were powered by the infinite energy of the AHAB wave

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  • 文娱之我的爱情公寓 Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by 燕山婴石
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    早上,郭嘉林去找了叶子和胡一菲,两人都纷纷表示愿意。   叶子是为了和余小喵亲密的交流,毕竟她自己是不怎么会跳舞的,但是奈何小喵舞跳的好啊!这样不就有机会让小喵手把手的教自己吗?   而胡一菲纯粹是闲的,听说还和曾小贤他们在进行恶作剧比赛。   你看,这得多无聊才能干得出来这种事情。   至于四个人超了人数,郭嘉林表示不存在的,四个人一起学,学的最好的三个上不就好了。   人多了

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  • 重生动漫之父 Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by 生活盖浇
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    zero》、《aldnoah-zero》、《黑执事》、《空之音》等等的歌曲。   于是在《魔法少女小圆脸》中,贺晨就挑选了跟原版风格相符的几个人,成立了“Kalafina”组合,并由她们以《魔法少女小圆脸》中的ED《Magia》而出道。   关于“Kalafina”这个名字的由来,梶浦由记曾表示:Kalafina一词是来自古罗马尼亚语Anifalak倒过来念,意思是“逆神者”。   其实可以

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  • 能穿越的我该怎么浪 Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by 末羽
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    所谓的N2地雷,虽然名义上是地雷,但其实是这个世界的核弹。   更加有趣的是,这还是一种没有污染的核弹,虽然同等装药量下,威力要小于核弹,但是因为要远比核弹清洁的多,所以这种地雷其实是一种常规武器。   虽然卫宫觉得吧核弹当做常规武器有些操蛋,但问题是,N2地雷就算是爆炸也不会造成核辐射,所以被称之为常规武器,似乎并不是什么难以理解的事情。   而后,没过多久,卫宫也终于看到了这个N

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  • Nümer Aldnoah Zero Novel


    by UnRead28
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    Hello all. It's the Author here and this week is going to be, or already is, another A/N which if you're a fanfiction writer, on Wattpad or fanfiction or any other fanfiction writing site you'll know

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  • Hakuno Kishinami in DC. Aldnoah Zero Novel

    Hakuno Kishinami in DC.

    by Leonado_Linovor
    (Not enough ratings)

    I really not know the reason I transmitted to this world. As long as I remember the first thing I know when I got into this world I already 4 years old. I remember my past life on earth. I am nobody

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