
agatha christie Novel

  • Pelangi Sebelum Hujan Agatha Christie Novel

    Pelangi Sebelum Hujan

    by Rieshika
    4.96 (55 ratings)

    Hari telah berganti. Tidak seperti sebelumnya, Willy selalu berangkat ke sekolah dengan penuh semangat. Tapi kali ini ia hanya terdiam lemas. Willy membuka mata dari tidurnya. Ia tidur di kursi kayu

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  • Surga Kecil Agatha Christie Novel

    Surga Kecil

    by Mischaevous
    4.9 (31 ratings)

    Alexa begitu fokus pada buku yang dibacanya, hingga dia benar-benar mengabaikan hal lain. Dia sangat hanyut ke dalam dunia yang ditulis dalam buku. Sampai suara benda yang pecah dari arah konter pun t

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  • Summoning the Holy Sword Agatha Christie Novel

    Summoning the Holy Sword

    by Siberian Cat
    4.45 (882 ratings)

    As the young ladies were whispering about Agatha's origin, Rhode confirmed with the young lady herself on the main issues. As Marlene had predicted, Agatha was an Ocean Elf of the Silver Ocean in the

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  • Memanggil Pedang Suci Agatha Christie Novel

    Memanggil Pedang Suci

    by Siberian Cat
    4.39 (53 ratings)

    "Rhode…sedang sibuk…?" Christie memiringkan kepalanya sambil menatap Agatha. Agatha mengangguk, meletakkan 'tangannya' di depan dan membungkuk.  "Benar, Nona Christie. Tuan Rhode sedang punya banyak

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  • Invocando a la espada sagrada Agatha Christie Novel

    Invocando a la espada sagrada

    by Siberian Cat
    (Not enough ratings)

    Mientras las jóvenes susurraban sobre el origen de Agatha, Rhode se sacó sus principales dudas hablando con la joven directamente. Como Marlene había predicho, Agatha era un Espíritu del Océano Platea

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  • Christie Agatha Christie Novel


    by Juzyou
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • AGATHA Agatha Christie Novel


    by ThedarkQueen
    (Not enough ratings)

    Agatha merasa bahwa dia bukanlah dirinya . mimpi yang sama yang selalu menghantuinya . membuat nya bertekad untuk mencari tau tentang siapa dirinya sebenarnya . hingga sebuah fakta pun akhirnya ter

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  • Chris and Christie Agatha Christie Novel

    Chris and Christie

    by LastHumanOnEarth
    (Not enough ratings)


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  • Mr. billionaire and Me Agatha Christie Novel

    Mr. billionaire and Me

    by Myrandaa04
    (Not enough ratings)

    Agatha Christie, seorang wanita berusia 23. Dia adalah seorang agent CIA. Ia mendapatkan misi dengan mantan kekasihnya yang merupakan bossnya. Keadaan Agatha sekarang sedang kacau. Matanya yang sem

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  • Pokemon: Masters' League Agatha Christie Novel

    Pokemon: Masters' League

    by 6Dragoon
    (Not enough ratings)

    Indigo Arena, Waiting Room B. I stared at the screen in front of me, my finger's tapping the desk in a rhythm. Displayed on the monitor is my roster and their registered moves. What moves sho

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  • Mermade Agatha Christie Novel


    by Mickermit
    (Not enough ratings)

    The relief that Ginger felt in the days preceding the morning she spotted the man on her beach was overwhelmed by the guilt and depressive thoughts that hung over her like a cloud. It was done. She ha

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  • Past Saveing Agatha Christie Novel

    Past Saveing

    by Kharnel
    (Not enough ratings)

    The Entire human race returned to life like the past year never happened. Technically it never did. But the journey lives deeply in the Jones family and every person who was on the valiant. Because th

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  • Home! Agatha Christie Novel


    by pokecraft98
    (Not enough ratings)

    Grounds… The Tardis materialises just inside the grounds of a grand old manor house. "Oh, smell that air. Grass and lemonade. And a little bit of mint. A hint of mint. Must be the nineteen twent

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  • PENGHISAP DARAH SLAYER Agatha Christie Novel


    by bebekz_hijau
    (Not enough ratings)

    Seberapa sulitkah menulis cerita ini???? Jawabannya adalah : jeng..jeng....jeng...SULITTTT SEKALIIIIIII.... Hampir 3 kali ganti cerita coy....ampun deh....(>O<) Uda ketik puluhan bab sampai endin

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